
Sister Mag showcased RAI, our Sister Company

Swiping through online dating apps to find (almost) Mr. Right is a daily digital routine for singles these days. Karinna Karsten, a relationship expert from Los Angeles, is the CEO and founder of Relationship A.I. A new and very special dating app that is based on tracking technology. Find out in our sisterMAG interview how this app works and why it is very interesting.

Relationship A. I. – Online Dating Reloaded

Why did you create your dating app?

Years spent working as a relationship advisor and CEO of LOVE TV, I addressed the challenges facing millennials in dating, wellness, and building relationships. I came to realise that dating has become increasingly complicated.

Keeping track of your dating life in today’s app-jungle plus real-life encounters has become a full-time job.

The dating industry was coming up with endless dating apps to meet people, but where do you go from there? We need help in our dating activity and making the best choices around our matches.

Relationship A.I. was born from the accumulation of all my data, research and work in the dating industry over the past 10 years.

What makes your dating app different?

Relationship A.I. is a Dating Tracker app. With RAI, users track their dating activity across multiple dating apps and in real life and build smarter relationships. You have probably tracked your steps or calories for health benefits, now you can track your dating activity to make the best relationship choices.

We don’t do the matchmaking part, we are the next step. Once you are interacting with matches on and offline, that is where Relationship A.I. comes into play.

Relationship A.I. helps you manage, evaluate, and coordinate your dating activity so that you can maximise your ROI (Return on Investment) for the time spent dating. Making sense of your dating life is key to creating the relationship you desire.

How would you describe your app in three words?

Advancing Love Intelligently!

How does your app work?

Once you download Relationship A.I. you will be able to add your matches in a few simple clicks, it doesn’t matter if you have one or several matches. Each match interaction is then tracked and evaluated and you can clearly see your dating progression.

You can also share your progress with your friends who can support you. Dating can be hard and people often don’t know where they stand. When users immediately see what is happening in their dating life and where the relationship is going, then they can identify patterns, deal-breakers, and make smarter relationship decisions faster.

Sharing your dating history with your best friends and tracking what happened on each date is also like a little black book and a valuable insight which can be really fun. RAI brings the joy back into dating and away from feeling alone on a dating app journey. Dating users feel more connected and empowered around the process.

Who should use your app?

Anyone who is dating or in a new relationship where they want to track their progress, however many matches they might have. RAI is an essential dating tool for the overall management and optimisation of your personal life. 

How much effort is necessary to use your app?

It’s very quick and easy to get started with Relationship AI. Just add your matches and choose the interactions you have had in a few simple clicks. Plus it helps you schedule your dates by syncing to your calendar.

Then you are on your way to making the best relationship choices for you based on your own real data.  

Is there a secret recipe for successful dating?

Speaking as a relationship expert, the secret recipe to success is gaining greater self-awareness of what is really happening on your dating journey. We might think we know how to date but our decisions are often myopic and based on past experience. What we think may not be true.

We need full transparency in our dating activity. Relationship A.I. gives you an immediate insight into your dating activity and data feedback to help you assess situations with clarity and confidence and move forward to the best individual relationship outcome.

Are there couples that have found each other with your app?

We are just about ready to launch Relationship A.I. While setting up couples is not the goal of our app, using RAI can support our users to create smarter relationships. For the first time, you can have a 360 degree view of your dating life.

Dating is of course just the first step. Do you have any tips for successful relationships? 🙂

Be mindful of the relationship journey as you start out and continue this thinking during the significant milestones of a relationship. RAI helps to support this process in the early stages of a relationship.

Be aware of your patterns and habits, and slipping into default behaviour like being the sole initiator or consistently available for someone who doesn’t show up for you. That doesn’t build up a quality relationship. Continue to develop your self-confidence, autonomy and demonstrate relationship aptitude -the ability to be present, active in building a relationship, sharing, contributing and loving the person you are with. Love is a journey and the greatest adventure worth taking.


Original Article:

New Year’s Resolutions for Better Friendships in 2020

I love New Year’s resolutions. They’re an excuse to challenge myself and set new goals for the year ahead. I’m pretty serious about sticking to them, too. I like to write my goals for the year on a piece of paper and tape it to the fridge so that I always remember my plans, and can cross them out as I accomplish them.

Usually, I make goals for my career, exercise goals, and plans for how many books I want to read that year. But this year my goals are a little different.

After a big move this year, I realized that friendships are really important to me. Not only do I miss my friends back home, but I had to make all new friends in my new city. I learned how important friendships are to me, so this year I’m making resolutions to be a better friend and have better friendships.

Here are my resolutions for better friendships in 2020.

1. Set aside time for friendships

To have better friendships, you have to be a better friend. And part of that is making friendships a priority.

Being in a relationship for so long, I’ve found that I often put friendships on the backburner, preferring to spend time with my husband rather than make plans with friends.

But I realize that I need to maintain friendships in order to keep them. When you don’t make time for a friend, they can start to fade out of your life. You both forget to call, don’t think to invite each other over, one of you moves, and suddenly you don’t know each other anymore. It’s the worst.

Of course, there are exceptions to this. I have some friends who I can not see for years and when we do finally get together, it’s like no time has passed. But especially with new friends, if you don’t spend time developing a friendship, the relationship can crumble.

One of my biggest resolutions this year is to make more time for friends. For me, making time to go out to dinner with just one friend, one time a week, is a great improvement. But maybe you’re more flexible and can make more time for friends.

Maybe your resolution could be calling 5 different friends a week. Or maybe you want to go to lunch with someone new from your office every day until you’ve met everyone. It’s easy to cater this resolution to your friend goals and no matter how you do it, you’re sure to have lots of fun.

2. Remember birthdays

One way to show your friends you care is to remember their birthdays. And I’m not just talking about about posting on their Facebook wall.

It means so much to people when you remember their birthday. It shows that you care and that you want to celebrate them. When my friends have reached out to me before my birthday, asking if I wanted to go out for a drink for my special day, it has meant so much to me. Even when friends follow through and show up for birthday celebrations means a lot.

That’s why one goal I’m making this year is to remember my friends’ birthdays. I’m looking up everyone’s birthdays and writing them down in my calendar. I’ll try to make sure we make time to celebrate but even if I just end up sending a card or even a text to friends for their birthdays, I know that it will probably mean a lot.

3. Planning activities your friends will like

I love planning hang outs with friends. But I especially love planning hang outs at places I love.

I’m always asking friends if they want to go to the local wine bar or go and see a comedy show. But somehow I never seem to be free when friends ask me to do things they like to do. I almost always turn down requests to go to restaurants I don’t like and for activities I don’t particularly enjoy. Funny how that works.

But this year, I’m changing that.

I’m making a goal to try to do more things that my friends like. When I know I’m going to see my craft-loving friend, I’ll offer to go to a knitting class and when I’m planning to see my outdoorsie friend, I’ll ask her to go on a hike.

It’s a great way to show that I value our friendship (and my friend’s interests), plus, it’s a good way to expand my own interests.


4. Double date

Hanging out with friends is a great way to bond. But going out on a double date? That’s a whole new level. It’s one thing to talk to your friend, but a whole other thing to get to know their partner (whether they be short term partners or long term relationships), and let your friends get to know who you’re with.

It can be a great way to get to know each other better, and if your partners get along too, it could be a great way to expand your friendship to include “couple activities.”

5. Be a great conversationalist

It’s so fun to talk to friends, except when it’s not. I’ve definitely had friends who were not always super fun to talk to. I know a few people who always seem to be complaining about work or complaining about other friends. I also know a few people who practically zone out when I’m talking. They’re the kind of people who wait to talk, instead of listen.

And don’t get me wrong, I can complain about stupid stuff and I can also sound like a broken record when talking about work. But it’s nice to talk to friends about interesting things, intellectually stimulating things, and to have fun when we’re talking.

So, this year I’m determined to be a better conversationalist. I’ll keep myself updated on interesting news stories, but I’ll also try to be more engaging and be a better listener.

If you’re looking to make better friendships in 2020, sometimes you have to be a better friend. These tips will help you to improve your friendships skills and friendships in the new year!

Great Ways to Celebrate New Years Eve (For Just the Two of You)

New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite holidays. There’s no presents to shop for, no big family commitments, just silly fun and a celebration of good times past and present. It’s perfect!

But New Year’s is especially fun if you have someone special to spend it with. Not only do you have someone to kiss at midnight (which can be an awkward moment otherwise) but you also have the opportunity to celebrate the new year in a different way.

While going out to a New Year’s party can be loads of fun, there’s a different kind of joy in ringing in the new year in a smaller way: just you and your sweetie.

Here are some fun New Year’s Eve date ideas that you and your partner will love.

1. Become your own bartender

One thing I love about New Year’s parties is that there are always fun and festive drinks. There are so many creative cocktails around this time of year, from egg nog to “peppermintinis,” to my favorite: “jingle juice.” And that doesn’t stop on new years. You can always find colorful cocktails and a fun new take on the classic glass of champagne.

But my favorite part isn’t necessarily drinking these fun cocktails—I also love mixing them too!

Back when my husband and I were dating, we started making a tradition of spending New Year’s Eve at home and mixing cocktails. I’d find a few fun recipes online and we’d spend the evening mixing drinks and making boozy cupcakes as we watched movies.

It was a great way for two early twenty-somethings to expand our taste buds with exotic drinks and save some money on bar tabs.

new year's eve

2. Make a romantic dinner for two

Lots of people go out to dinner for New Year’s because it’s a fun, mature alternative to going to a house party. But one of my favorite ways to celebrate with my husband is actually making dinner at home.

To be honest, I’ve always worried about going out on New Year’s. On New Year’s, there are so many people out on the road at all hours, possibly drinking and driving, so while I always love going out to dinner, a few years ago my husband and I started a tradition of making a romantic dinner at home on New Year’s Eve.

While we’d been mixing cocktails at home in the years prior, we realized that New Year’s was the perfect night to go all out with a fancy dinner. We switched out our cocktail recipe tradition for cook books, and started making December 31st about an amazing date night in.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are known for big meals with family, but this can be a special time for just you. I love making lasagna, but you two could make whatever your favorite dinner is, or use this as an excuse to try something brand new.

It’s fun to cook together and even more fun to eat dinner by candlelight, just the two of you.

You can even watch the ball drop as you eat some late night dessert!

3. See a movie

Just because you and your honey want to celebrate New Year’s alone, doesn’t mean you have to stay home.

I know a couple who love going out on New Year’s Eve—but they don’t go to parties, they go out to the movies. They got the idea from another family who went to the movies every year on Christmas Eve, and they wanted to do the same for New Year’s.

They pick a movie and see a late showing, and by the time they get out, it’s just about time to countdown to the new year. They have so much fun having a night out, and while everyone else is out at parties, they love having the theater nearly to themselves.

new year's eve couple

4. Make a time capsule

One thing I love about New Year’s is that it’s a great opportunity to look back on everything my husband and I have done over the last year.

To celebrate the year, we like to make a time capsule on New Years Eve. We collect photos, ticket stubs, notes (and more) and put them in a shoebox to look at next year. Then we look at the box we created the year before.

Time capsules don’t have to be big or fancy, they could just be a collection of a couple momentos and maybe a list of your favorite memories together from the year. But whether you go minimal or all out, it’s a great opportunity to spend time with your sweetie and talk about all the great memories you’ve made together..

New Years is a great time to celebrate the past, future, and time with your honey. This year, try one of these fun ideas, and who knows, maybe you’ll end up making a new tradition for years to come!

New Relationship? Take This Quiz to See If You’re Ready to Spend the Holidays with Your Significant Other

With the holidays fast approaching, you’re probably wondering if you and your new honey are ready to spend the season together. But going to your partner’s family home over the holidays can be a big deal.

Not only is there the stress of getting to know your partner’s whole family, but there’s the added pressure of what it means to take this momentous step. For some, bringing a partner to their home for the holidays is a way of saying you’re “serious,” some might even see it as a sort of pre-engagement. It’s a big deal.

So, how do you know if you’re ready?

Answer the questions below to find out if you should spend the holidays with your sweetie.

1. Do you see yourself spending the next year together?

It’s a simple question, but at the same time, not so simple. There’s no relationship crystal ball. You can’t know for sure if you’re going to be together in a year, six months, or even a month from now. Especially in new relationships, it’s hard to anticipate what will happen next.

But two things you can track is how you feel and what your intentions are. Start asking yourself how the relationship has been going so far. Have you seen any red flags? Or has everything been smooth sailing? Do you want to be with this person in the long term, or do you see it as just a fling?

Just because a relationship is new doesn’t mean it isn’t serious. If you find yourself wanting to be together 6 months from now, or even a year from now, go ahead and spend the holidays together. You might even end up feeling closer over the holiday season, and bonding even more.

If, on the other hand, your not sure if you see each other together in the coming months, if things are already rocky and you’re not sure if this person is a potential for, say, marriage—maybe skip it. Spending time with a partner’s family probably isn’t going to make a relationship better, so don’t waste your (or your partner’s) time.

2. Do you talk about your families all the time, but haven’t met them?

For some people, family is a big deal.

Have you noticed your partner talks about family often? Does he or she mention the crazy things their sister does or the sweet things their dad used to do when they were growing up? Do they look forward to visits with their nieces and nephews?

If this sounds like your partner (or even if it sounds like you!) meeting the family might be a bigger deal than you think.

If family is a big deal to one, or both of you, meeting the family may be a make-or-break scenario. Some people consider it a “deal breaker” if their family doesn’t like, or get along with, a partner. While this certainly isn’t the case with everyone (I once had a friend who more or less stopped talking to his entire  family because they were rude to his wife) if your partner really cares about their family’s opinion, it could affect your relationship.

If this is the case, meeting the family (and seeing how you get along) is probably a good thing to do sooner rather than later.

Happy multiethnic couple on christmas holidays.

3. Do you want to move forward in your relationship?

Maybe you, or your partner, aren’t particularly close with your families. Maybe you’ve been out on your own for a while and whether or not your family “approves” of your partner isn’t that big of a deal to you. And yet, meeting family over the holiday might still be a big deal to both of you.

Meeting family doesn’t have to be a big to-do or have underpinnings of a “test.” Spending time with family doesn’t have to be about whether or not the family likes a new partner. Sometimes, it’s just about you two, and wanting to show each other  that you’re serious about your relationship.

Going to a partner’s house for the holidays can be a big step, and being willing to do that together can mean a lot to some couples.

Of course, spending the holidays together shouldn’t be a way to “prove” your commitment, and agreeing to go to Christmas at your partner’s family home doesn’t take the place of having that good old fashion “where are we?” talk. But spending the holidays together, and with each other’s families, can be a good way to show each other that you’re really taking the relationship seriously.

4. Do you want to go for it?

Perhaps you simply want to go to your partner’s family home for the holidays.

Spending time together doesn’t have to have an ulterior motive—like moving forward in a relationship. Maybe you want your relationship to stay the same. Maybe you just don’t have anywhere else to go for the holidays. Or maybe you simply think it would be fun.

While some couples think spending the holidays together is a big step, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. Talk about it beforehand, and if you both seem like you’re on the same page, go for it. Even if you’re not thinking your relationship is very “serious” now, maybe you two have the makings for something more. No matter what, wanting to spend time with your partner is a good sign.

On the other hand, it’s when you’re feeling a sense of dread about going to his or her home for the holidays, that you have to look out for.

If your partner asked you if you to come over for the holidays, and your immediate reaction was panic, you may want to consider the possibility that this may not be the right relationship for you.

Whether you’re hoping to take your relationship to the next level this season, or are just hoping for great company over the holidays, spending time with your new partner’s family can be fun and exciting. But before you pack your bags, make sure you’re ready for this big step.

How to Focus on Friendships This Holiday Season

The holidays should be about family and friends.

There is so much to do during the holiday seasons. There’s family to see, presents to buy, work to catch up on, events to go to. Sometimes friends get forgotten when you have so much more going on. You forget to call, tell each other you don’t have time to go out for a coffee or a drink just now, and before you know it, it’s mid-January and you haven’t seen any friends for months.

But maybe your friends don’t have to take a back seat during the holiday season. There are ways to not only include your friends this season, but to make sure they feel like they’re apart of your holiday fun!

How to Focus on Friendships This Holiday Season

There’s so much to do during the holidays: There’s family to visit, gifts to buy, and events to attend.

You might be rushing to clean up the house before family comes over or maybe you’re speeding to pack your bags in preparation to go head home for the holidays. But no matter your plans, this season can get busy.

With so much going on, it’s not uncommon to find friendships taking a back seat in December.

You and your bestie may forget to call each other, you might miss your friend group’s usual coffee date, and before you know it, it’s mid-January before you realize that you haven’t seen any of your friends for a long time.

But maybe you don’t have to forget about your friendships this year. This season, make a point to focus on your friendships with these 4 tips and tricks for a friends-filled holiday.

Happy Friends Holidays

1. Show them you care, with some gifts!

I know, I know, you already have so many people on your shopping list. You’re probably already panicking about what to get your grandma, what to get your baby cousin, and what on earth to get your boss.

But even if it’s something small and silly, like a funny t-shirt or a scented candle, a gift that says “I’ve been thinking of you” can go a long way for a friend. Of course, you probably don’t even have to work hard on this gift. Picking something out on Amazon or ordering some cookies online is pretty painless. Plus, you can usually find a good deal while online shopping.

Just remember: the more personal you can get with a gift, the better. Your friends probably don’t need anything fancy or expensive from you, but they’d probably love something that reminds them of you, or an inside joke you share.

To help with your shopping, here are some fun (and simple) present ideas that make for wonderful friend gifts:

-A bottle of wine you think they’ll love

-An order of fruit, chocolate covered fruit, or cookies from online retailers like Harry and David or Mrs. Fields

-A hat or scarf in a color they look good in

-Drop off a pie or cheesecake on their doorstep

-A gift card to get a manicure (with a note saying you’ll plan to do your nails next time you’re together)

-A book or movie you loved (that you can talk about next time you hang out)

-A cute planner for 2020

-A holiday puzzle (you can even get a personalized puzzle with a photo of you two on it!)

-Silly socks featuring their favorite animal

2. Set aside time… ahead of time.

Making time for friends shows them that you care about them. It proves that, not only do you like seeing them, but that spending time with them is a priority to you.

But making time for friends in the middle of the holidays can be a tricky business. For me, it’s already difficult to plan hangouts during the non-holiday seasons. Between my work schedule, their work schedule, and miscellaneous commitments to worry about, it’s tough to set aside time. So, when you throw in extra holiday errands and family events? It can be tough.

The best way I’ve found to make time for friends is to set up a hangout date, weeks in advance, at an event that’s extra special and really can’t be moved. Think late-night movie premier or special live holiday show.

If you’re like me, it can be easy to ask a friend for a rain check if you only make loose plans to meet up for something like happy hour “one day this week.” But if you set aside time for a special event, buy the tickets ahead of time, and put it on your calendar weeks (or a month) before, you’ll both probably stick to the plan.

holidays with friends

3. Do holiday chores together.

Sometimes, you simply can’t set aside extra time for friends during the holidays. The idea of making time to see a movie? Impossible. Going out to dinner? Nope.

But you don’t necessarily have to carve out exclusive “friend time” in order to see your besties. Instead, team up with your buddies to get your holiday chores done together.

Meet up at the mall to shop together. Chit-chat as you wait in long lines. Help each other figure out what to get your parents or significant others. Try on Christmas sweaters and tell each other, honestly, if they look okay. As a reward, maybe you can sit down together for a drink once the shopping is done.

If you’re not crazy about the idea of shopping together, consider inviting friends over to your place on Christmas Eve to make pies (or appetizers) that you can bring to each of your family’s homes the next day. It takes about the same amount of time to make two or three batches as it does one—but baking together makes it twice as fun.

Or, if baking isn’t your thing, you could just meet up to wrap presents.

One of my besties and I love to meet up before Christmas and wrap presents together. We drink wine and eat cookies as we wrap, and over the years, it’s become one of my favorite holiday activities!

4. Involve friends in your traditions.

Another great way to include friends in the holidays is to make at least one of your traditions friend-friendly.

One option is to can make a tradition especially for your friend group. “Friendsgiving” is such a hit, you might consider organizing something like that (perhaps a little present exchange or ice skate party) in December. Or, if that’s too much work, you could always include friends in your existing family traditions.

You could slide some more chairs up to the table for Christmas brunch—or why not invite some friends over for some spin the dreidel?

Of course, you might be thinking this is probably easier said than done.

You might assume that your friends probably have their own plans with their own families—so why would they want to join in on yours? The truth is, you might be surprised at how many of your friends don’t live near family, or if they do, have low-key family gatherings at holidays. You might even have friends who do their “big” celebrations on different days.

I once went to a friend’s house for “Christmas Eve-Eve” which was a big thing in her family. All the cousins, extended family, and friends would get together for a big potluck. For them, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were small and pretty quiet, but December 23rd was more about neighbors and friends. It was a great tradition.

The holidays are all about spending time with the people you love—and that should mean your family and friends. While your season may be busy, these tips can help you rearrange and refocus to find some extra room for your friends this holiday.

10 Romantic and Sexy Holiday Traditions to Start with Your Significant Other

Everyone always teases me about how much I love tradition. 

I think that’s partly why I am so thrown by the fact that my boyfriend and I decided to stay home for Thanksgiving this year. While I was sad about it at first, it was exciting in a way to create our own little family traditions. This got me thinking about starting holiday traditions with your significant other.

That being said, here are 10 ways to create lovely, sexy traditions with your partner this December.

1. Attend your neighborhood tree or menorah lighting.

Many communities host a neighborhood tree or menorah lighting. There’s nothing more romantic than sharing a kiss during a countdown to light hundreds of twinkling lights. Bonus points if snow starts falling making for some wholesome Hallmark Christmas movie-esque fun.  Visit your local city council or community page online for more details. 

2. Make sexy stockings together.

This is definitely for when the kids are NOT around! Making sexy stockings is a two-parter—first, innocently decorate your stocking. Use glitter, buttons, sequins, you name it. Next, give yourselves a week or two to acquire all of the sexiest items you can stuff in there—bras, condoms, vibrators, sexy Christmas boxers (they’re a thing!), you name it. Open them together and watch for the reactions that will have you in the bedroom all night long.

3. Bake Christmas cookies or challah bread together—with a twist.

Sure, baking Christmas cookies or challah bread together is innocent enough. Have you ever done it in your underwear though? Bring on the ultra sexy when you lick off some spilled icing right there, or playfully throw some flour on your partner’s nose before you go in for a kiss. 

4. Decorate your Christmas tree, then make love underneath it.

Did you ever decorate your tree as a kid, then lay underneath it, gazing up into the glittering lights above? This is the adult version. Decorate your Christmas tree and once you’re done, lay out your coziest blanket and cuddle together underneath it. Who knows, the romance of it all could lead to some serious lovemaking.

5. Do adult versions of Elf on the Shelf.

This one is just plain funny and best if you don’t have any children (or keep it to your bedroom only). Each night or morning while your partner is busy getting ready for work or sleeping, etc. take an Elf on the Shelf doll and make it do something not suited for young eyes. Mr. Elf could be getting it on with Barbie, an Elf on a makeshift stripper pole or an Elf in bed with another doll. This is especially great for couples who love making each other laugh. 

sexy couple at christmas

6. Leave naughty or nice notes around the house.

Leave notes around the house for your significant other to find. They can be nice, with compliments that are sweet like “You have the most gorgeous blue eyes,” or naughty, letting them know what you plan to do in bed that night. Have fun leaving them all over the house, from the bathroom mirror to their sock drawer and more.

7. Celebrate Saint Nicholas Day.

If you ever got to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day as a child, it was fun to leave your shoes out for “Saint Nick” and get candy and small toys the next day. Take this tradition and give it an adult twist by buying the sexiest lingerie for yourself and leave it tucked in your partner’s shoes. Let them know that Saint Nick thought they were a good boy or girl so you’ll be wearing just the lingerie when they get home that night.

8. Do some Christmas movies and chilling.

Just like Netflix and chilling, have your loved one and you each pick your favorite holiday movie. Make some popcorn, mix some cocktails and have a cozy and romantic night in. If you have a fireplace, put that on too (I’m jealous if you do!).

9. Do a 12 Dates of Christmas, getting progressively naughtier with each one.

The seemingly never-ending song can get a sexy twist this holiday season by sitting down with your partner and creating the 12 “dates” of Christmas. Pick 12 things to do this holiday season and get progressively naughtier with each one. You could start with going out for hot chocolate and strolling around your neighborhood to see the lights to getting handsy in a movie theater during a showing of the latest holiday movie and many more.

Sexy Couple Lying On Bed

10. Build gingerbread houses together.

Building gingerbread houses together is a fun and simple way to enjoy each other’s company. By sitting down for a long period of time and putting something together is a good way to learn about how you work as a team. This is also a great tradition for newer couples, as it’s an enjoyable way to get to know each other.

Gratitude for Non-Romantic Relationships: Embrace the Love in Your Life

Sometimes we don’t have love like in the movies and it gets us down.  You know? 

Big sweeping, ring on fingers, declarations of happy ever after, or even someone to come home to each night.  It’s natural to want something that you have been told you should have and something so many people around you have, but not having it does not mean there isn’t an abundance of love in your life

For a very long time I could not see the love in my life, and I felt very alone. But, over time my brain started to clear up and I looked around and saw that I am surrounded by people who want me in their life. In accepting that there are people who love you, it opens you up to BE love to those around you. 

Love doesn’t always look the way we expect it to. Here’s how to see the love you already have in your life.

  1.       Invitations

 Your roommate who invites you to their game night. Sometimes we are annoyed by people who invite us to things we aren’t interested in instead of realizing that there is someone who wants our company. I’ve definitely made every effort to disconnect from people who want me to engage with them because sometimes it’s draining, but the overwhelming sense of despair that comes with the thought that no one cares about you is also draining! 

So, say yes to game night. 

Of course, you do not have to go to every game night you’re invited to, but what if you did just this once? Maybe it’ll be the most fun night or maybe it’ll be an okayish night but maybe it won’t hurt. I’ve made every effort to decline Dungeons and Dragons invites, but next time my roommate asks me I’m going to say yes!

  1.     Road Trips

happy couple road tripYour co worker who you’ve known for years and are pretty friendly says they are going to Maine and they ask you if you want to come. 

Now, you’ve never been to Maine. Heck, you’ve never been to The Bronx. 

Your first instinct is to say no, because that is always your first instinct, but you’ve known this person for a while and you actually trust them enough and they’re sort of like your family. 

Stephen King books are set in Maine and you love Stephen King. You tell yourself you don’t have enough money but maybe you do for a two day trip because you never spend the money doing anything else anyway! 

The friend who invites you to Maine is saying to you, “I value your company and I value you enough to go on an adventure with you.”

  1.     Embrace Friend Fans 

Young Happy Couple PaintingYou’re a talented artist. You have an art exhibit coming up. Actually, you’ve had several art things over the years and your peers say they want to come see. You tell them no because “your work is not that good”, or “it’s uncomfortable having people you know judging your work” not realizing that ultimately they just want to support you. 

Since you have art shows all around town maybe you’re actually quite good and your friends just want to be a part of something that matters to you. Even if you aren’t good it’s nice that people want to be apart of something that matters to you because they want to know what you care about and care about it too.

Let friends celebrate you.


  1.     Receive the Gift of a Playlist 

Your sister keeps recommending artists she likes to you, but you really hate Jazz music. But, it’s kind of cool that someone says here are somethings I like I want you to like it too. Of course, you may never like Jazz, but maybe the sound may not be your forte but could the lyrics be? Maybe you can recommend your K-pop faves to your sister? She doesn’t like K-pop? That’s fine. You don’t like Jazz. But maybe knowing what each other loves is a step closer to bonding. Perhaps, you find that music is not where you click, but your both big fans of crochet and voila you’ve found a friend in your sister!

What I’m saying is love comes to us in many ways through many people and even if we don’t have romantic love, we can find good love in our lives: if we see it, if we accept it, if we engage. 

I give thanks for love. 

5 Ways to Get Through Awkward Holiday Situations with Your Significant Other

Let’s face it, as fun as the holidays are, they sure can be awkward sometimes.

If you are headed to your partner’s hometown this festive season, you’ll want to be prepared.

Here are five situations and solutions to get through awkward holiday situations with your significant other.

1. A nosy mother

Let’s face it, all moms want to do is protect their children. If you encounter a mom who takes you aside to ask some intrusive questions, or flat out interrogates you at Thanksgiving dinner, just take a deep breath and don’t be impulsive. Remember, while a mother may come off as a little too nosy, she’s just being a mama bear to her baby. If the conversation gets a little too awkward, just direct things back to the celebration at hand—comment on how good a dish is or thank whoever brought the wine. Chances are, it will lighten the mood and quite possibly help your significant other’s mother feel more at ease with you.

2. A creepy uncle

Ugh there’s always one and unfortunately, even in the #MeToo age, they are still around. It’s important to set your boundaries as soon as you get odd vibes from a creepy uncle. Don’t be afraid to tell him no, loud and clear. Stopping things early is the best option to keep you safe and avoid any not only awkward, but dangerous situations too. Your significant other should respect you for sticking up for yourself. If they don’t, it might be worth having a talk about your relationship, as your own self-worth should be the most important aspect of your life.

3. A grandma who means well but really wants you two to marry.

Oh goodness do I have a meddling grandma! My last surviving grandparent is now 90 and is pretty tech savvy for her age. Thank goodness she did this via text instead of at a holiday table, but she once texted me a huge message saying that my boyfriend hasn’t married me yet because he only wants friendship and I leave him and should try instead. I kid you not! I am cracking up again now as I write this. After being utterly appalled, I now laugh about it. I sent my grandma a text saying I appreciate her watching out for me but my partner and I are happy. That’s exactly what you should say at a holiday get-together too. Most of the time, all grandparents want is to make sure their grandchildren are happy. Sometimes they just show it in mortifying ways!

Thanksgiving Celebration

4. Kid cousins who ask a lot of questions

I adore children but my goodness, can some of them ask a lot of questions! If you find yourself in the hot seat with your boyfriend or girlfriend’s kid cousins, answer what you want to. If things get to be too much, start turning the conversation around and asking them questions. Kids love to talk about themselves and many will be happy you are taking a genuine interest in them. If you are not great with kids, this recent SNL skit was so funny and may help with any nerves you have. Also, as someone who used to be the oldest of my brood of siblings and cousins, I remember adoring aunts and uncles who took an interest in me and what my life was like at that moment of my childhood.

5. Dads big on the dad jokes

Dads and their dad jokes will withhold the test of time! The best thing you can do if you encounter a dad who loves to make embarrassing, cringeworthy jokes is to laugh at them. He will be so happy that someone finds them funny and endearing. However, the only time you shouldn’t laugh at jokes dad makes is when they are racially, sexual orientation or gender insensitive. If they are in poor taste, take your significant other aside and explain that you are not a fan of their father’s sense of humor. It’s up to them on how they want to take it up with dad. As much as you want to be welcomed into their family, it’s not worth it to risk your personal values. 

10 of the Creepiest Couples Ever

Just in time for Halloween, here are 10 of the creepiest, kookiest, spine-tingling couples we could find.

From Gomez and Morticia from The Addams Family to Nick and Amy Dunne in Gone Girl, these 10 couples were always intriguing to me.

Maybe you’ll find out some new information about these romantic couples with a spooky twist. While I admire how romantic some are, others are just plain scary!

1. Gomez and Morticia Addams, The Addams Family

Gomez and Morticia may live in a creepy haunted house surrounded by equally creepy family members, but when it comes to romance, they are #couplegoals. The way Gomez treats Morticia like a queen is a way all women should be treated. Not to mention, Morticia’s dress is amazingly goth and sexy. 

2. Bonnie & Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde were a criminal couple who robbed banks, small stores and gas stations during the Great Depression era. In 1967, a movie starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway romanticized the couple. Even Jay-Z and Beyoncé collaborated on a song, “‘03 Bonnie & Clyde.” While I don’t condone becoming a criminal couple and touring the country, I think people feel that there is something oddly romantic about being on the run.

3. The Phantom and Christine, Phantom of the Opera

Opera singer Christine falls in love with the creepy Phantom in the iconic Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. Their relationship is spooky, as the Phantom dons a half mask to hide his disfigurement. The romantic part of the story is that it teaches compassion. Christine accepted the Phantom for who he was and in turn, changed him. It’s part of the reason I loved (and still love!) the show—it’s a great lesson in compassion, with a fun, eerie twist.

4. Sam and Molly, Ghost

Who could forget the memorable scene with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore and an intense pottery session? It is often called one of the romantic scenes of all time. Of course, Patrick Swayze was a ghost in it, adding to the supernatural feel of the movie. It’s a passionate movie about protection and everlasting love.

5. Ed and Lorraine Warren

One of the only modern scary movies to actually really scare me in recent years was The Conjuring. Once I learned that the couple who were paranormal investigators were based on a real-life duo, I was intrigued. While I don’t think I could spend decades exploring ghosts and other supernatural beings, I have to admire their years of working together under stressful, incredibly scary circumstances.

creepy couple

6. Eleven and Mike, Stranger Things

The cutest couple on this list is definitely Eleven and Mike. Especially with the latest season of the show, I adore how sweet their new early teens romance is. Of course, their relationship is explored with the backdrop of spooky demagorgons and the Upside Down. I enjoy watching Mike and Eleven fall for each other and I think that the scary things happening around them help drive their love. 

7. Al and Mae Capone

Early 1900s gangster Al Capone and his wife Mae are great Halloween costume ideas. Like Bonnie and Clyde, I definitely don’t advise getting into mob activity. However, believe it or not, despite his line of work in the mob, Mae and Al had a happy marriage and were together for almost 30 years. 

8. Chris and Rose, Get Out

Ugh, I just shivered typing this. Get Out was one of the scariest movies I’ve seen in a long time. It was a thoughtful, suspenseful thriller that began with what viewers thought was a solid relationship. Of course, we all see later just how deadly Rose was. If anything, Get Out taught me that people aren’t always what they seem.

creepiest couple halloween

9. Adam and Barbara, Beetlejuice

Adam and Barbara Maitland live most of Beetlejuice as ghosts, making them inherently spooky. What I liked most about them in the movie was that all they wanted to do was live out their afterlife in peace in their house (the exact way they left it!). Adam and Barbara are both ghosts, which once again makes for quite the creepy pair. I loved the chemistry between Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis. I especially enjoyed the comedy-horror aspect of the movie too.

10. Nick and Amy Dunne, Gone Girl

The strange and frightening couple at the center of the thriller Gone Girl are just plain scary. I remember watching the movie and my mouth dropping more and more open in shock. Thinking back about the film, I still can’t believe a couple can become that deep in such a twisted scandal. It makes me think that I had better me 100 percent sure about who I marry!

5 Ways Self-Esteem Affects Your Sex Life

Self-esteem is sexy.

When your self-esteem is low (or non-existent), your sex life can suffer.

Here are five ways self-esteem can affect your sex life.

1. Self-esteem and intimacy

Self-esteem can have an effect on intimacy in the bedroom. Think about it, if you don’t feel you are deserving of love, you might not feel comfortable receiving it. It takes courage to understand that you are deserving of love and to convey your feelings to your partner. With that bravery comes self-acceptance. Once you’ve managed to become more self-accepting, it’s easier to let someone in. My journey to self esteem has been a bumpy one. There are still times where I don’t think I’m deserving of good things that happen in my relationship. I have to stop and take a step back, remembering that I am worthy of love—and you should too!

2. Low self-esteem and your sex life

We’ve all been there—feeling bloated and unattractive and not wanting to have sex. When those days end up being the majority of your time, that is when problems begin. By letting your self-esteem get in the way of your sex life, you are missing out on wonderful experiences and memories. Sometimes it’s hard to get past body issues and just give in to the intimacy. I’ll never forget the first time I was in bed with my boyfriend, worried about what Bridget Jones called “my wobbly bits.” Turns out he actually liked them! Getting past your insecurities is tough but oh so worth it when it comes to sex.

intimate couple

3. Recognizing when sex is being used for the wrong reasons.

Part of having high self-esteem is recognizing when sex is being used for the wrong reasons. I am all for being a bit more traditional, waiting a few dates and then doing the deed. If you’re finding yourself having sex on the first date and not because you are being a feminist and getting it on whenever you damn well please, take a look inside yourself. If you feel like sex is all you have to offer, talk to someone. Even if it’s just a friend, sharing your feelings with someone can help immensely. Having sex just to get someone to like you (or stay in a relationship with you) is not a good road to go down. 

4. Being guarded and missing out

If your low self-esteem is making you a guarded person, you may be missing out on good things that happen in your life—i.e. great sex wIth an even greater person. If you find yourself acting guarded in your relationships, there could be a multitude of reasons behind it. For example, it may be because your parents had an ugly divorce when you were old enough to remember it. You may have been hurt deeply in a past relationship and have trouble allowing people fully in. I know I did this myself after a painful breakup. I was so scared of letting another person in that it took awhile, and lots of slow steps to open up my heart again. A lot of patience, praying, journaling and talking things out with friends helped.

couple cuddling

5. Body image, low self-esteem and your sex life

I’ve been a plus-size person my whole life. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt embarrassed about my body. In my 20s, no matter what I weighed or what size I was (and I definitely fluctuated) I still felt like I wasn’t worthy of intimate partnerships. It took the entire decade for me to realize that most men don’t care about whether or not you look like a model. They often find you attractive after getting to know you as a person (it sounds corny but I promise it’s true!). There are plenty of reasons for having low self-esteem when it comes to body image, including believing you must be a certain size or weight to be happy or conforming to beauty ideals from the media. Not letting those thoughts invade your mind all the time is hard, but can be done with lots of patience, understanding and self-love.

body positivity

How to Help Yourself

There are so many ways to help yourself if you’re feeling like your self-esteem is getting in the way of your sex life. There’s Talkspace, a web-based mobile therapy company based out of New York City. You can also become a member of LoveTV for expert tools and advice when it comes to relationships. Low self-esteem support groups are available too, to talk to those who feel the same way as you.

10 Inspirational TV Characters who Claimed (or Reclaimed) Their Self-Worth

I love a good badass female character.

Some women on TV are truly inspirational. Whether they’re kicking butt in a Medieval fantasy world or following their dreams in a suburban office, I love getting motivated after watching a strong woman on television.

Here are 10 women who claimed (or reclaimed) their self-worth.

1. Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones

In Medieval times, women were often in submissive roles. Not Brienne of Tarth—she spent Game of Thrones fighting on the front lines. I admired the way she didn’t let Jaime Lannister hold her down. She got on with life and became a knight too. Brienne flips gender roles on their head and helps me remember that I may not necessarily need a partner in life to succeed.

2. Jess from 13 Reasons Why

Jessica Davis has gone through hell and back in the Netflix teen drama 13 Reasons Why. While I never have experienced sexual assault, I admired Jess specifically in the latest season. She was fierce, she was bold and she was a good friend. I found the scene where she spoke at a school assembly prompting a “#MeToo”-esque moment to be particularly empowering.

3. Donna Meagle from Parks and Recreation

There’s a reason Retta’s Parks and Rec character coined the phrase “Treat yo self.” Donna Meagle is the epitome of self-worth. She never lost hers, she just always seemed to know that she was worth it throughout the show’s seven seasons. If there is anyone who taught me the importance of self-care, it’s Donna. I’ve even had my own “treat yo self” days and when they were over, I felt more refreshed and ready to take on the world than ever.

4. Gloria Pritchett in Modern Family

Part of the reason Gloria Pritchett is so sexy is because she has confidence just oozing out of her. Now about to enter its 11th season, Modern Family was a way for me to see an outspoken, self-assured woman on TV each week. I love that Gloria is so family-oriented and always stands up to Jay whenever she believes something isn’t right.

5. Beth from This is Us

Learning about Susan Kelechi Watson’s Beth on This is Us every Tuesday night has been so entertaining and moving at the same time. While Gloria stands up to her husband in a comedic way, Beth makes sure Randall knows they are indeed equal on all parts. She refuses to back down during his whole councilman campaign and even in her episode featuring her backstory, she is fiercely independent. Seeing Beth’s personality unfold, all the while keeping her self-worth has made me feel like I can do anything in the world. Beth has taught me to remain on equal ground with my significant other and to keep my head up with whatever happens in life.

6. Mindy Lahiri from The Mindy Project

Mindy Kaling’s The Mindy Project character was so unapologetically unique. The best part of watching the series is that the character knows she’s not perfect and embraces that. It makes things fun watching her story unfold, as she doesn’t apologize for being who she is. Mindy Lahiri helped me realize that I don’t need to apologize for every little thing—the word sorry should not be used as often as I use it!

7. Peggy Olson from Mad Men

That iconic scene of Peggy walking into McCann Erickson like a boss will forever be a mood I aspire to be. Her literal IDGAF attitude is, as the kids say these days #goals. I remember watching that moment in bed when Mad Men was still airing new episodes. I immediately wanted to channel that confidence and badassery and still think of that scene when I need a boost of self-worth.

8. Liz Lemon from 30 Rock

Liz Lemon was arguably one of the best characters on television. I was researching her iconic quotes and couldn’t stop laughing at some of them. She was such an excellent representation of the everywoman. I love that she knew her self-worth and wasn’t afraid to tell partners exactly who she is. Lemon is the ultimate feminist. For example, her walks of shame? She calls them “strides of pride.” 

9. Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy

Over the past 15 years, Meredith Grey has been through literally everything—and she’s still standing. I admire Ellen Pompeo’s character for being a single working mom. She is able to be a successful, working surgeon and care for her three children. She has lots of wonderful help from the females in her world too, whether it’s Dr. Maggie Pierce or Dr. Amelia Shepherd.

10. Pam from The Office

Jenna Fischer’s character Pam is one of my favorites of all time from my favorite show to boot. I think her portrayal was quite realistic, as she began engaged to another man who was clearly not a good match for her but she wanted to do the “right” thing. Pam eventually reclaims her self-worth and leaves Roy, realizing he didn’t support her art aspirations (and the fact that Jim was clearly her soulmate!). I often think of Pam when I want to rid myself of negative people in my life.

How Our Brains Are Designed To Look For What’s Wrong

How to turn it around in a relationship

We all want to live our best lives and have the healthiest relationships possible. But we may not know how to get there and what to do. I spoke with Barbra Russell, MA a counselor, speaker and author of Yes! I Said No! about how we can create and maintain a relationship of optimal wellness.

Creating Boundaries

We know that boundaries are important. We understand that we should have them and we know when it feels like someone has crossed them. But how do we set and maintain good boundaries? The biggest fear most people have with boundaries is coming across as rude, harsh or mean, especially when it is someone we care deeply about. We may also worry that we may hurt someone’s feelings or that they may not want to continue to have a relationship with them if we have a serious discussion about boundaries. We want to compromise, but we also need for our own needs to be met. 

Barbra Russell gives us 3 steps to follow when setting a boundary. 

“Step 1: Say what you don’t like (without attacking the others character) Step 2: Say what you want (specifically) Step 3: Set a consequence.”

This sounds pretty simple, but let’s look at exactly how to put it into practice. Barbra explains two examples. Here is an example of a woman who might set a boundary, “Step 1: We’ve been so busy, we don’t take time to show affection and that’s important to me.  

Step 2:So I’d like for you to kiss me every morning before work and we talk to each other for at least half an hour after the kids are asleep. Step 3: I’ll remind you for a few times until we make this a habit.”  

Here is an example of a boundary a man might set, according to Barbra, “Step 1: I need time to myself when I first come home from work so I can clear my mind.

Step 2: I’d like 30 minutes of quiet time before I help with dinner or with the kids. Step 3.I’ll go into my ‘man cave’ every day for 30 minutes.” 

It can feel scary or needy to ask for more affection or for time away from your significant other and kids. We may worry we will hurt their feelings or make them feel judged or criticized. But if we don’t communicate our needs, we can feel stressed or resentful and that can be toxic to a healthy relationship.  

When expressing what you don’t like, try to make it a request that your partner can easily fulfill. Try to keep emotions such as anger, frustration, etc out of the equation. Make sure what you want is something reasonable and specific. The consequence should not skew negative. It may take some time to put the new actions into place, since it can take some time to change and break a habit. So be patient and kind to your partner as this transition is happening. Also ask for your partner to be patient with you.   

relationship goals

Communication Between The Sexes

Communicating with anyone can be hard, and there are some fundamental differences in how men and women think and communicate. Understanding these differences can help us feel more seen and heard. Barbra explains it very clearly, “She ‘connects’ more memories, words and thoughts faster, and tends to talk ‘in  circles,’ bringing up one thing, then another before arriving at the final thought or solution. His brain works more efficiently, thinking in a ‘straight line,’ solving a problem by quickly giving advice or a solution.” 

Communicate directly what you want from your partner. Barbra gives the examples, “She says, ‘I just need you to listen, while I talk this through.’ He instructs, ‘Write down what you need me to do, because I’m likely to forget.”

Again, ask for what you want and communicate what you think can be helpful to your relationship. Make sure it is a request and an actionable step, such as writing something down or listening as someone processes their thoughts. Keep any judgements out if, you don’t want to judge your partner for thinking and processing things differently that you do. Use positive reinforcement to encourage each other. 

One main reward is your relationship will probably start to feel easier and you will both feel more supported. Compliment each other frequently and let them know how much you appreciate them doing what you asked for and explain how it makes you feel so much better. 

This is a process, so patience is key. Understanding these communication differences can help same sex couples and can also help you communicate in friendships as well. If you identify as gender fluid or non-binary then you may find yourself falling somewhere along this spectrum.   

How Our Brains Look For What’s Wrong

Sometimes couples that have been together for a while start to focus more on the negative aspects of their relationship and less on the positive ones. They may lose sight of what brought them together initially. 

This can become even more challenging as couples build a life together, raise children together, focus on extended family and career obligations. Barbra states, “Our brains are designed to look for what’s wrong – a survival mechanism to keep us alive – but in a relationship, the ratio often becomes 90:10, with the 90% of what’s right, what you like about the other person is taken for granted and we focus on the 10% — what you don’t like, what’s irritating, etc.” This can start a negative pattern or downward spiral. Barbra explains, “What you focus on gets bigger.  Therefore, the more you focus on what’s wrong, the bigger problem that becomes.” We have all experienced this in other aspects of our lives as well, where we focus on the negative and the problem spirals. We can begin to feel discouraged or even hopeless that our situation can change.

Barbra offers some helpful solutions, “Compliment more than you complain.” If you find yourself complaining alot, take a step back and try to turn the situation around. Try to compliment your partner on what they are doing well and make them feel appreciated for all of their positive qualities. 

Her second tip is, “Do the things you used to do that made them fall in love.” Maybe you used to go on dates to your favorite restaurant in the beginning but now you don’t anymore because you’d have to get a sitter. Or maybe you used to cook together, but with work schedules you don’t have the time. Try to make an effort to do these things together to make you feel more connected and to just have more fun together. 

Lastly, Barbra states,”Provide safety by listening before you talk.” Let your partner get their full ideas out there before responding. Try not to interrupt. It can be easy to get defensive or feel misunderstood. Even if you don’t agree with their comment, try to really see their point of view and why they may feel this way. You want to get to a resolution and both be understood, not be right or wrong or assign blame. 

relationship goals

Trying It Out

Personally I used to be more hesitant to bring up these conversations for fear of hurting the other person’s feelings or worrying how they would react. I also felt like I didn’t know how to communicate what I wanted to say in the most productive way.  But then I would feel as though the issues would remain and that was stressful in it’s own way. Learning how to communicate in a positive and healthy way has made me feel like my relationships are stronger. 

Try using these skills in your relationships and see if you feel more confident and positive about your relationship and yourself. Being a great communicator can help you not only in your romantic relationships, but friendships, family and work relationships. Setting boundaries and having a positive mindset can make you feel like the best version of yourself. 

10 Ways to Cultivate Your Sexual Energy and Self-Worth Without Actually Having Sex

Developing your sexual energy and self-worth without actually doing the deed can be quite the journey.

When asked to write about this subject, I at first found it daunting. Then I began to realize just how many times I felt sexually alive without actually having sex.

Here are 10 ways to cultivate your sexual energy and self-worth without actually having sex.

1. Buy yourself sexy lingerie.

Do a little online shopping or make like the ‘90s kid you were and head to your local mall. Find a gorgeous, lacy, risqué and utterly sexy bra and panties set and purchase it. By having something sexy on that’s just for yourself, you create a fun mystery that only you know about.

2. Experiment with masturbation.

If you’ve never masturbated, I encourage you to give it a try. It took awhile to figure out exactly what I liked. Once you do though, embrace it. Buy a vibrator if you think you’d enjoy one—Amazon sells a ton, believe it or not! By experimenting with what you like, you’ll be better able to direct your partner to do what makes you feel good.

3. Do something spontaneous.

There’s just something innately sexy about doing something spontaneous. If you’re with someone, grab a deck of cards and play strip poker, but stop before things get too intimate. If you’re single at the moment, book a flight to your closest beach for a long weekend with your best girlfriends. Being spontaneous feels so invigorating that one just naturally feels sexy doing something so spur-of-the-moment.

4. Explore how sex is more than just the physical deed.

Yes, sex is a physical act but it is so much more than that. There are deep emotional ties to having sex with someone, and there is also a mental act. Journaling about how you feel when you do have sex may be helpful to figuring out where you are physically, emotionally and psychologically. Sometimes extra stress from work can cause your sexual prowess to take a hit. Perhaps you’re super self-conscious about a part of your body. Writing about what’s bugging you when it comes to sex can ultimately help you get through your issues and come out with better self-worth overall. 

sexy lingerie

5. Educate yourself.

Read up on sex! If you’re trying to grow your sexual energy or realize just how worth it you are, read anything and everything you can when it comes to sex. Sometimes reading about sex can be funny too—one of my favorite evening pasttimes when I’m bored is perusing Urban Dictionary, looking at all the ridiculous names kids have for sex positions these days!

6. Watch a film or read an erotic romance novel.

Watch a sexy film to figure out what turns you on, or if you’re a reader, grab an erotic romance novel. If you haven’t read the 50 Shades of Grey series yet, you could always give it a try. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the books–both laughing at them and fantasizing a bit as I read the sex scenes. Watching porn or reading romance novels are great ways to continue to explore your sexuality.

7. Take control next date night—without the sex.

Taking control of date night and what happens when it’s over is a great way to channel your sexual energy. If your significant other and you don’t live together, end the night at the goodnight kiss, leaving him or her wanting more. If you are living in the same place, have a super steamy makeout session. If you end that session before sex, you can claim your sexual self-worth—it will serve as a great reminder to your partner that you are indeed worth waiting for.

8. Take a pole-dancing class.

I know it seems cliché, but pole dancing classes have popped up all over the country. Release your inner stripper and sign up for a class near you. If you’re shy and a bit self-conscious, pole dancing is a great way to overcome that. Take a few of your friends and get ready for some serious fun.

pole dancing class

9. Take up yoga.

Yoga ultimately makes you more flexible, which would therefore make for better sex, right? The easier you can move, the easier sex will be. There’s no need to take things to contortionist levels, but the earlier you start a practice like yoga, the easier sex will be as you age into your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

10. Practice self-care.

One of the easiest ways you’ll be able to make sure your sexual energy and self-worth are at the utmost level is to practice self-care. Sex usually makes you feel good. Why not do what else makes you feel good, like getting a blowout at your local salon or reading a good book outdoors on a gorgeous day? By assuring your happiness and mental health, your sexual health should thrive as well.

Want to read more on sex? Check out this piece about natural or holistic ways to increase your libido.

7 Ways My Boyfriend and I Built a Relationship Living Apart in a Big City

When my boyfriend and I first started dating, we lived in separate places about 20 minutes from each other.

Washington, D.C. is a pretty big city. My boyfriend and I were excited when we met that we actually lived closer than some—often some couples we knew would have one half in Virginia the other in Maryland.

Before we moved in together, we had to cultivate our relationship to know each other. Here are seven ways my significant other and I built a relationship living apart in a big city.

1. Cooking for Each Other

One of the first things we did for each other was cook. In fact, our second date was me inviting my boyfriend over for baked ziti, garlic bread and salad. Later, he would invite me for chicken with his signature barbecue sauce. We had a failed attempt at chicken pot pie and a perfect attempt at our own spaghetti sauce.

We bonded through making our favorite recipes for each other. Now, years later, I learned how to make that from-scratch barbecue sauce and my partner has learned that baked ziti will be on the dinner menu at least a few times each month!

2. Spending equal time at each other’s apartments

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out a routine that works. My apartment was right off a Metro stop, so it was a lot easier to spend more time there. However, it was studio compared to my boyfriend’s more spacious one-bedroom.

After dating a few weeks, we found a schedule that worked for us. My boyfriend would often stop after work for dinner at my place on weeknights. Weekends we’d spend at his place as it was bigger and allowed for more room to hang out for longer periods of time.

The important thing to remember is that everyone’s different—what may work for your best friend and his or her partner may not work for your boyfriend and you.

relationship living apart in a big city

3. Lots and lots of texts and phone calls

We kept in touch a lot in the first year. From the text after the first three weeks that said “I’m lucky I have such a great girlfriend,” a cute nod to asking him to be my boyfriend, to phone calls at the end of a work day, we always made an effort to contact each other.

Some of the sweetest phone calls where we got to learn a lot about each other were falling asleep at night. Good thing cell phones hang up automatically when someone says goodbye, because I can’t tell you how many times one of us accidentally fell asleep!

4. Well executed date nights

When we were living apart, date nights had to be very well planned out. Given that we both didn’t have a car, most of the dates involved my boyfriend Ubering to me then us both heading out on the Metro from my place.

When we took the Metro home, we would settle into my bed, but if we took an Uber home, we often ended up at my significant other’s place.

No matter where you end up at the end of a date night, definitely discuss the question before you head out. No one wants to deal with debating where to crash for the night if you’re headed home from a fun and romantic evening.

Romantic Couple Dating In Pub At Night

5. Sweet and thoughtful gifts

The sweet and thoughtful gifts I’m referencing in this one aren’t particularly expensive or showy, but they were very considerate. The gifts also helped our relationship grow. For example, once on his way home from a business trip, my boyfriend met me at my place with six red roses from a flower cart at Union Station. It was so meaningful to know he thought of me on his trip.

I would sometimes do things like bake chocolate chip cookies and wrap them up, head over to his place while he was working from home and leave them at his door. Once I was back at my apartment, I would text my boyfriend to say check outside your door. These little surprises were just enough to keep us thinking about each other while also cultivating the romance.

6. Showing each other our mutual interests

As a native Pittsburgher, I loved football growing up (go Steelers!). I wasn’t all that into hockey, unlike many Pittsburghers who love the Penguins and Steelers equally. It wasn’t until I met my boyfriend and we went to a few hockey games together that I became a huge fan. Now, dates to the local arena to see the Pens vs. the Washington Capitals are some of our favorite nights out.

While I got into hockey, I expressed to my boyfriend how much I loved movies and TV. We both realized we loved a good HBO show. The show The Newsroom ran from 2012 through 2014, when we first started dating, so it ended up being the perfect show to get into together.

By sharing our personal interests, we got to know each other more and were able to have our relationship evolve. We found mutual interests that we love to share with each other now.

7. When the relationship got serious enough, discussing moving in together

About a year into our relationship, my boyfriend and I knew that things were pretty serious. We thought about how much money we were blowing on bus and cab/Uber fare to see each other. We ended up having a serious discussion about moving in together.

After touring places around the area, we eventually ended up where we are now. It was tough to explain with our both equally traditional parents but in the end I’m glad it happened. We’ve been living here since June 2013 with no plans to move anytime soon. I credit the steps we took in our relationship while living apart for a smooth transition to living together.

Want to read more on relationships? Check out this piece about fun ideas for a couple photoshoot.

Why I’ve Decided to Institute Self-Care Fridays

After having a serious panic attack last spring, I decided to begin self-care Fridays.

After my dog died in April, I never imagined how much it would affect me. It took an episode of extreme panic for me to realize that I was not only stressed out and suffering from the grief of losing my dog, but I was in serious need of some self-care.

I finally realized, I need to do something for myself—I needed to love myself more in order to stay mentally healthy. I decided to institute self-care Fridays for myself and came to some important realizations.

The Importance of Self-Care

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, stress affects your entire body, both physically and mentally. Common stress signs include headaches, insomnia, aches, pains and tense muscles and stomach issues. After Moe passed away, I finally realized I was not only experiencing deep emotions of grief but also stress from wondering what life would be like post-Moe. I found myself getting into an anxious spiral, worried if Moe was what was keeping my boyfriend and myself together, and if his loss would have a profound effect on our relationship. I am now relieved enough to be so happy that I was aware enough to realize that I needed to take care of myself first. By making sure I am taken care of, I can devote more time to my relationships.

Easy Ways to Care for Yourself

After dealing with another anxiety flare-up, I decided every Friday I would do something to care for myself. I’ve done simple things like get a Starbucks iced coffee in the morning before work, or pause in the middle of freelance writing to use my portable foot massager for a quick 15 minute time out. Sometimes I just stop what I’m doing in the middle of my day and go for a walk around the block.

I’ve also done larger-scale things too, like go get a spa pedicure at my favorite nail salon or see a movie by myself and get a big bag of salty popcorn. There are plenty of other ways to take care of yourself too, including ordering your groceries instead of trekking to the supermarket or just getting some exercise. Sometimes, freeing up your time is helpful for your own mental health too.

self care - take care of yourself

Why Fridays?

You’re probably thinking, why did you decide on Fridays to do nice things for yourself? I have always seen Fridays as the celebration of making it through the end of the week. I know if I can get to Friday in one piece, I have a weekend ahead of me to rest and relax.

I think some of it stems from my childhood too. Friday night was family pizza night in my house. We would often all get together and watch nostalgic shows like the old TGIF lineup or The Simpsons.

My Realization Once I Started My Self-Care Fridays

During the times I set aside for myself every Friday, I began to come to a few realizations. Every time I have felt very anxious, especially to the point of fainting, I was not properly caring for myself. I was not eating healthy, or I wasn’t getting enough sleep. I was often so stressed about what others thought of me. I also began to see just how hard I am on myself. I now see that during the time I set aside for self-care, I can better reflect on what bothers me.

While my Friday tradition is still fairly new, I appreciate that it is slowly helping me discover more about my anxiety, my “triggers” and how to better cope with what concerns me on a daily basis. It has even inspired me to start seeing a therapist every other week. In short, I’m learning how to love and accept myself.

The concept of self-care may seem gimmicky these days, but it really just comes down to learning what’s right for you. There are so many options. Next time you feel overwhelmed, take some time for yourself. By setting self-care into your regular routine, you’re more likely to stick to it. I’m sure glad I did.


Are you feeling stressed out and now sure how to deal with it? You’ll want to read this.