7 Ways to Empower Your Incredible Single Friends During the Holidays

The holidays can be challenging for single friends or friends who just moved to a new city. Here’s how you can help.

For those worried about single friends over the holidays, now is the time to step in and show them they’re not alone and they’re loved.

Think about what works best with your friend; whether you should be funny, light-hearted or affectionate. Everyone is different and has their own unique needs.

There are several benefits to being single, however. Suddenly, you’re not being pulled in a million directions for where to spend the holidays. Presents certainly can fill credit cards up quickly. There’s the freedom of not needing to impress your significant other’s family or stress about what to get their mother.

While finding the right thing to say might vary, here are seven things you can do with your friends that show them the holidays are about your friend-family too.

1.Take your single friend to a fun holiday party.

single friends party

Whether through work, charities or friend parties, there are always gatherings around the holidays to share in food and fun. Find one that gets your single pal out for a night to enjoy the season and your friendship.

2. Ask your friend to donate their old flame’s belongings to your favorite charity.

single friends donation

While there is nothing more cathartic than seeing your ex’s stuff go up in the smoke from a bonfire, there are so many families that are in need. For parents who struggle every day to make ends meet, gently used clothes, games, action figures, books and more can be the perfect donation to a local charity. Your friend can burn the toothbrush, though.

3.  Sit down in front of a fire and help your friend write a Santa Wish List for love.

single friends sit down in front of fire

December is a great time to think about what the next year will bring. While we always set goals and New Year’s resolutions, this can be a perfect opportunity for your friend to make a new relationship plan.

Take stock in that last relationship and talk about what worked and what didn’t work. What did your friend learn about themselves? How did the ex make your friend a better or wiser person?

Then make a Santa list for what’s next. What are the things your friend now realizes they need in a relationship? What kind of lover or lovers are they seeking to bring into their love life? Let your friend dream about their next amazing lover! What qualities does that person have? The possibilities are endless and it helps your friend look love forward and not dwell in the love past.

4. Give your friend a “sexy stocking” to get them in the mood again.

single friends sexy stockings

Breakups can be a hit to the heart and libido, especially if you’re not over someone and having a hard time getting back out there and meeting people. Don’t let your friend go without. Spice up their stocking with some secret treats to encourage your friend to move forward. What a perfect way to bring sexy back into your friends life this season.

5.  Surprise your friend with a LoveTV membership to speed up their success for love in 2018.

single friends LOVE TV membership

If your friend is ready for a new love story better than they have had historically, but tired of wasting time and feeling drained by facing the same dating challenges over and over, LOVE TV can help. LOVE TV’s membership puts the ease and fun back into their dating and relationship building experience. Your friend deserves to create a positive love life future. At LOVE TV, we can jump start that process.

6. Introduce your friend to someone in your social network whose status is “single.”

single friends social network

Who do you know on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or other social media sites that might also be single right now? Take a look through your contacts and think about who could be a good person for your friend.

7.  Let your friend know just how loveable they are.

loveable single friends

When you are single during the holidays you need your friends more than ever. Once can default into self-doubt, anxiety, and sadness over their relationship life. Do your part in helping your friend go down the love and life affirming road this holiday season.

Find ways to let your friend know why they’re a special person in your life. Express how grateful you are for what they have brought to your friendship.  Help remind them what a catch they are for that special person. Most importantly, help them remember that loving themselves and especially during the holidays is an amazing opportunity to attract lots of love into their life.

Remember that we’re always here at LOVE TV to help you and your friend begin their next adventure in love. We are an empowering resource and guide for moving forward and finding new ways to love again.

karinna karsten

In India Your Parents Run Your Dating Profiles to Find You Dates

Anita Jain wrote for New York Magazine earlier this year that one day she found herself cc’ed on a surprising email exchange.

“We liked the girl’s profile. The boy is in a good state job in Mississippi and cannot come to New York. The girl must relocate to Mississippi,” the email read.

It isn’t unusual. Murugavel Janakiraman, the founder and CEO Matrimony.com told Online Personals Watch editor Mark Brooks that parents oftentimes set up personals accounts for their children and seek out mates on their behalf.

In India, a lot has changed over the decades, but arranged marriages remain. These days, the choice may come directly from parents, friends or families, and through dating services and apps that use old-fashioned arranged-marriage specifications in a new way to match mates.

Services like the Indian dating site Matrimony.com are using behavioral sciences to better match people. Parents can create the profile for their child, the algorithms can help generate matches that go beyond recommendations from friends and family.

Brooks’ documentary walks through how roguish behavior surfaces and what they do with users who break the rules or create a bad environment for others. It also shows the differences between dating and matrimonials and how the two categories are changing.

Apps aren’t just for flings — in Indian they’re for forever.

indian datingWhile many are looking for marriage and the perfect long term relationship, some have rejected the whole system.

One bachelor in India confessed that he’s more interested in hook-up apps thank thinking about his future wife. In fact, he doesn’t even like to use the word “date” when he meets a woman.

“It’s weird, it’s like a very heavy word to use,” Shivam told Brooks in the video above. “It’s like, it’s a lot of pressure when you call it a date.”

He explained that it’s easier when people call it “hanging out.” But after two people hang out a few times, things get serious.

“In my personal experience it’s always been, like, you meet once, you meet twice, you meet thrice and then, ‘Hey, where do you think this is going?'” Shivam said.

More often than not, swiping right leads straight to engagement.

Courtship periods are much more prevalent today. When arranged marriages were the only way, brides could meet their spouse to be at the wedding. Today, in both  family-arranged and in “self-arranged marriages,” longer engagements are a way couples can get to know each other.

Ashiba Jain told The Times of India that six to eight months was perfect to give her and her fiance the time they needed to interact.

“During our six- month engagement, my husband and I would meet every day, though it became less frequent as we approached the D-day. But it was during these meetings that we really got to know each other,” she said.

Right now, marriage is the last thing on Shivam’s mind. He explained in an interview that he’s not sure if he’ll ever get married. He’s only using the hook-up apps.

“In India, normally there’s a lot of pressure on girls to marry, 25 and after that,” Shivam confessed.

The interview with Shivam is the first in a three-part series exploring the uniqueness of dating, marriage and love in Indian culture. Stay Tuned for our next installment featuring Pranjal, a young woman whose mother set up her Matromony.com profile.

For more about modern dating check out “Openers or Nope-ners: What Kind Of First Message Should You Send On Dating Apps?or “5 Hopeful Dating Tips, From A Woman Who Finally Found Love.”

Could New Dating Trends In India Help Turn Its Caste System Into A Thing Of The Past?

How India’s new generation of singles is casting aside the caste system.

In India, more and more young people are putting aside tradition while in the pursuit of love. Beyond just eschewing arranged marriages or having casual sex, they’re interested in dating outside of their caste or regional ethnicity not just for the sake of modernity but in pursuit of finding the real thing.

It’s a big deal.

The caste system has dictated social norms in Indian culture for millennia.

The earliest reference to the caste system is in the Manusmriti, an ancient book regarding Hindu law practices that dates back to at least 1000 B.C. Although there are four main categories, each is further divided into tens of thousands of sub-castes that dictate social norms and segregation between communities.

Although discriminatory practices and the “untouchables” categories are outlawed, this form of status is still ingrained in tradition. However, they’re usually seen as an indication of culture than hierarchy.

“It’s about removing friction in a relationship, simply reducing the chances of two people having uncomfortable differences of opinion,” mentions one 2012 report by PRI’s The World. “Caste as an indicator of commonality in terms of things such as food, tradition or culture.”

Matrimonial websites modernized the efficiency of dating while also reinforcing the caste system.

Internet dating has been around in India for some time, first in the form of matrimonial websites that reinforce the typical steps of arranged marriages.

Amour Life, one of India’s biggest traditional dating sites, gave users more choices but reinforced traditions.

“Matrimonial dating sites achieved huge levels of popularity under the caste system as a method to increase the potential marriage pool within someone’s caste,” it says on its website.

modern dating in India

As casual dating apps like Tinder and Woo started to permeate the mainstream, so have more modernized ideas around dating.

Despite cultural pressure from traditional Indian cultural norms, many young people are turning to their smart phones in pursuit of love. Although change is slow, it is stead.

“Exposure to western culture has seen the gradual breakdown of the traditional Indian family,” reports The Guardian. “Arranged marriages have become less formal; more people are choosing to live in separate homes to their parents or in-laws; and dating and sex out of wedlock are becoming increasingly common.”

Now young people in India are also interested in getting outside of their regional culture or caste.

In a new documentary by Online Personals Watch editor Mark Brooks, young people in India open up about their dating habits — including their desire to look for love in new communities.

Gaurav, who is interviewed in the film and featured in the clip above, describes how his parents reinforce the traditional thoughts about dating within the caste system tradition.

“See, I’m a Punjabi, so my parents would demand a Punjabi girl for me,” he says. “I am not into all these things. Personally, I would use something like Woo because I want to interact with people first and then come to a conclusion rather than just deciding that I want to marry and I want to meet new people. I would rather meet new people and then decide to marry.”

Another single person featured, Pranjal, agrees and explains how it relates to a larger cultural shift.

“My generation, in a way, we are more open-minded,” she says. “Yes, my parents expect me to find a partner the typical way. But, no. That doesn’t work for me.”

Do these new opinions indicate a change in Indian cultural attitudes toward the caste system?

The popularity of digital dating techniques has changed so much about modern life across the globe. Can it compete with millennia of cultural norms? Only time — and swipes — can tell.

This article is one in a series on modern Indian dating

Can You Really Have Sex with a Ghost? This Woman Said She Did

What’s the difference between having a fantasy and sleeping with a ghost?

When there’s something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call?

Whether it’s the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man walking through Manhattan or Whoopi Goldberg warning, “you’re in danger, girl,” ghosts litter our fictional world. Especially during the holidays, the Ghosts of Christmas Past haunt the office halls of the most heinous of misers.

The reality, however, can be a little more somber.

Sometimes grief makes you see things.

My grandparents met when she was 15 years old and he was 17. On a cold day in 1987, her car slipped on a piece of black ice from an early snow, she went into oncoming traffic and ran into someone else. At just 50 years old, she was gone.

My grandfather was understandably devastated. Over the years he dated a few women, but never remarried. She was the love of his life and no one quite measured up. When I was home after college one year we were talking about her and he told me that the night she died, he had a horrible time trying to get to sleep. He was distraught, likely in shock and sleeping alone for the first time in almost 35 years.

He told me when he finally fell asleep that she came to him to say good-bye. When he woke, he said that he could still feel her lips on his. Was it a dream? Was it real? Was it grief and exhaustion?

What are the chances ghosts are real?

Happy loving couple

One English “spiritual guidance counselor” not only swears that they are real, but that some sexy ghosts are able to manifest their energy into treating her to a good time. After all, who said the afterlife can’t be sexy?

This is her story, via Newsweek:

Talk about otherworldly sex! Amethyst Realm, a 27-year-old “spiritual guidance counselor” in England, says sex with ghosts is much better than sex with men—and she should know because she’s made love …

Continue reading “Can You Really Have Sex with a Ghost? This Woman Said She Did”

How The World’s Oldest Indian Dating Site Helped Them Find Love

When one couple found each other on Shaadi.com, they had everything working against them. Yet, they still found love.

“I wrote a very lengthy letter to her and tried to woo her with my words,” Darshan told Online Personals Watch editor Mark Brooks. Brooks has compiled a documentary on Indian dating. “Because that’s all you got apart from your profile picture.”

When he and his wife Pooja met she was searching for someone after a divorce. He had never been married. Darshan explained that there was a dramatic difference between those seeking a hookup and those seeking marriage.

“You know, there are a lot of freeloaders on the net, I realized,” she told Brooks. “The people who don’t pay for the websites, they are the ones who are actually there to fool around. So, I feel that, you know, don’t go for the free profiles because when someone’s paying it really makes a difference.”

While both of them set up their own accounts and were interacting with each other, some searching for the perfect mate end up with their parents creating their dating profiles. In the first installment of this series, we heard from one woman who opened her email only to discover an email conversation between her father and the father of a young man. Darshan and Pooja, however, went a different route.

The world’s oldest dating service helped them find love.

Many users of personals sites believe the same in the United States. Sites like Match.com, eHarmony, JDate and even fetish sites like FetLife all allow paid accounts that unlock a higher level of commitment to the dating adventure. While it isn’t necessarily always the case, those who are paying for matchmaking services or an online dating profile are usually seen as being more serious about finding a long term match.

Shaadi.com is an online wedding service founded by Anupam Mittal in the late 1990s. While the majority of its market is India, it operates globally to serve anyone willing to join. With over 35 million users, the site only allows you to message people with their premium service. As  Pooja explained, the ones that are there to fool around aren’t paying to contact you.

Get rid of the wish list you have in your mind.

“Scrap off your wish list,” Pooja said about finding the right person. According to her, Darshan was different. First, the two were “poles apart,” which made her think they were already sunk. Already, because she is divorced, it limits her options, she explained.

Then, he sent the long and passionate email that made her think again.

She had a list of “criteria of what [a] husband should be,” she said. “Just destroy it, throw it. It doesn’t work.”

Sometimes having a list of things you want means you end up limiting your options. It might be one of the main reasons that a href=”https://lovetv.co/dating-caste-system-india/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>the online dating world has flipped India’s caste system. For thousands of years, those in each caste only married within that caste. Today, a new generation of Indian youth are searching for another world. For Pooja and Darshan, that meant being willing to try anything to find a partner.

>Whether it’s a caste system, a demand your lover be a certain height or weight or even seeking out a nice doctor, consider looking outside your criteria. Pooja and Darshan knew that the right match can come from anywhere. Darshan wanted Pooja to take his interest seriously and give him consideration despite the differences. Anything is possible in love!

Read more from this series with Part 1: In India Your Parents Run Your Dating Profiles to Find You Dates and Part 2: Could New Dating Trends In India Help Turn Its Caste System Into A Thing Of The Past?.

LoveTV Founder and CEO to Address iDate International Dating Conference

Next week, the 15th annual Internet Dating Conference kicks off in Del Rey Beach, Florida and LoveTV founder and CEO Karinna Karsten will be delivering a must see speech.

“I will be speaking about creating reoccurring revenue long after your dating user has left,” Karsten said in a video promoting the speech, which is scheduled for Thursday, January 25 at 2:30 p.m.

Karinna Karsten LoveTV CEO

Since 2004, iDate has been a leading conference for executives in the dating industry, managing companies dedicated to helping people find love. Whether it’s matchmaking, dating, app dating, niche dating and social media, the iDate conference gives experts an opportunity to tell their own stories of how they’ve helped create personal connections, relationships, and lasting love in the era of technology.

According to the conference site, leaders in the field will discuss ways to increase traffic and conversations and how to improve and bring about a new generation of ideas.

“I will also be detailing how we can repackage the biggest pain-points for our dating customers to create greater dating brand success,” Karsten explained. “Simple wins to have your dating customer stay loyal to your dating brand. And, lastly, how to transform churning dating customers from pessimists to evangelists.”

The 2018 conference will be heavily focused on new technologies that are important for running a dating business for the millennial generation. According to the iDate site, executives can walk through cutting edge techniques specifically for the internet era of dating. Using a “take the ball and run with it” approach, this isn’t the place for introductions and business philosophy. The conference will give specific tools for leaders in the field to come away with expert ideas and strategies for moving forward.

Over the course of three days, featured speakers include leaders in companies like eHarmony, Spark and EliteSingles, The League, Brainspace, Love Works, LoveQuest, FriendFinder, and more.

LOVE TV empowers your relationships in the digital age and during the iDate conference Karsten will be touting our own site’s successes and challenges that have made us the gathering place for members searching for top relationship experts.

If you’d like to join us at the premier dating conference, you’re welcome to use our special discount code and participate.


Show Us What #LoveIs To Win A Love TV Membership!

We want to know what #LoveIs!

We’re so excited to announce that we’ve partnered with PicsArt for a Valentine’s Day photo editing challenge! You can now use the colorful and sparkling LOVE TV stickers to start spreading the love through the #LOVETVchallenge.

You start by taking a photo that shows us what love means to you. Declare your love for your sweetheart and show us what that looks like in a photograph.

But it doesn’t have to just be your girlfriend, boyfriend, partner or undeclared aspirational love. Do you love your pets? Love your mom or your sister? Tell us about loving your best friend. Show us what you do every day to express your love to those around you or to your community. Do you love the weather, the sunshine, or the beach? Do you love your favorite coffee shop, bar, or park bench?

Show us everything that you love and tell us why you love it and you just might win a free LOVE TV membership.

Submit your love images to the challenge in PicsArt and the top 10 edits (as chosen by LOVE TV) will be featured on their site and social channels. Share your submissions using #LOVETVchallenge #LoveIs and #PicsArt.

Visit our #LoveIs challenge page on Picsart to learn more and show us your love!

Also, be sure to check out the details and fine print below.

#loveis lovetv picsart contest


  • Enter your love edits from 2/2-2/9.
  • Use your own photos or #FreeToEdit images on PicsArt to create an edit that fits the LOVE TV challenge theme.
  • Submissions are limited to three entries per user.
  • Voting for the challenge will take place 2/10-2/12.
  • Winners will be announced on Valentine’s Day, 2/14.

Fine Print

  • The Challenge closes at X PT on February 9th.
  • Winners must be 18+ to claim prize.
  • Winners will receive the following — 1st place- 1 Year Membership to LTV; 2nd place 6 Month Membership to LTV; 3rd place- 3 Month Membership to LTV; 7th-10th place -1 Month Memberships to LTV.
  • Winners acknowledge that in claiming their prize, they will be sharing their personal information with PicsArt and LOVE TV.
  • Winners will be contacted via email or direct message and will have 10 days to claim their prize.

One Man Analyzed The World’s Languages to Discover At Least 14 Different Kinds of Love

There are at least 14 different kinds of love that one man was able to uncover simply by analyzing the world’s languages.

Dr. Tim Lomas at the University of East London has been a lecturer in positive psychology for the past five years. In a report from The Conversation this month, Lomas explained that there is nothing more expansive than the feeling of love. It ranges from the love you have for your favorite pair of shoes to the love you have of your child or partner.

In the 1970s, psychologist John Lee put together his own identification of love. So, Lomas noted that he isn’t the first to look into the way the world loves. However, there’s more than just the six “styles” of love Lee developed, and Lomas has them.

Lean more about love by joining LOVE TV, where you’ll have access to love gurus and experts.

Check out the full article reprinted with permission from The Conversation below:

Happy couple in love. Stunning sensual portrait of young stylish fashion couple indoors. Young man playing guitar for his beloved girl.

No emotion, surely, is as cherished and sought after as love. Yet on occasions such as Valentine’s day, we can often be misled into thinking that it consists solely in the swooning, star-crossed romance of falling deeply “in love.” But on reflection, love is far more complex. Indeed, arguably no word covers a wider range of feelings and experiences than love.

So how can we ever define what love really is? In my new study, published in the Journal for the Theory of Social Analysis, I’ve made a start by searching the world’s languages for words relating to love that don’t exist in English.

Most of us use the word love fairly liberally. I use it for the deep ardour, care and respect I have for my wife. But I will also call upon it to describe the unshakeable bonds of kinship and history I share with my family, and the connections and allegiances I have with close friends. I’ll even use it in relation to our cheeky dog Daisy, the music of Tom Waits, Sunday morning lie ins and many other things.

Clearly, whatever love is, it spans a great deal of emotional and experiential territory. Needless to say, I’m not the first to notice this. For instance, in the 1970s, the psychologist John Lee identified six different “styles” of love. He did so by studying other languages, in particular the classical lexicons of Greek and Latin, which boast a wealth of precise words describing specific kinds of love.

Lee identified three primary forms of love. “Eros” denotes passion and desire, “ludus” refers to flirtatious, playful affection, and “storgē” describes familial or companionate bonds of care. He then paired these primary forms to produce three secondary forms: ludus plus storgē creates “pragma,” a rational, sensible long-term accommodation. However, eros combined with ludus generates “mania,” signifying possessive, dependent, or troubled intimacies, while eros and storgē form the charitable, selfless compassion of “agápē.”

This analysis seems like a good start, but an incomplete one. After all, it mostly just concerns romantic partnerships, and doesn’t account for many of the feelings that fall within the ambit of love.

Untranslatable words

I decided to expand on this work as part of a broader lexicographic project to collect so-called “untranslatable” words that pertain to well-being, a work-in-progress which currently features nearly 1,000 words. Such words can reveal phenomena which have been overlooked or under-appreciated in one’s own culture, as I explore in two forthcoming books (a general interest exploration of key words, and an academic analysis of the lexicography). In the case of love, then, untranslatable words help us understand the bountiful variety of emotions and bonds that are in English subsumed within the one word “love.”

My enquiry yielded hundreds of words from around 50 languages (which of course leaves many languages still to be explored). I analysed these thematically, grouping the words into 14 distinct “flavours” of love. Some languages were particularly prolific in their lexical dexterity, especially Greek, which contributed the most words by far.

As such, in a spirit of poetic consistency, I gave each flavour a relevant Greek label. I call these “flavours” to avoid implying that relationships can be exclusively pigeonholed as constituting just one form. A romantic partnership, say, might blend several flavours together, generating a unique “taste” which might subtly change over time.

14 flavours

Happy lovers are enjoying breakfast in cafe outside. Man is feeding woman with croissant and smiling. He is covered by warm blanket

So, what are these flavours? The first three do not concern people at all. They refer to people’s fondness and passion for certain activities (meraki), places (chōros) and objects (eros). Note that this usage of eros reflects its deployment in classical Greece, where it was often used in the context of aesthetic appreciation rather than romance. Indeed, like love itself, all these words can be used in varied and changing ways.

Each of these flavours is a “compound” of related terms from various languages. For instance, the connection to place denoted by chōros is reflected in concepts such as “turangawaewae,” “cynefin” and “querencia” – from Māori, Welsh and Spanish respectively – which all pertain in some way to the sentiment of having a “place to stand” on this Earth, somewhere secure that we can call home.

When it comes to love between people, the first three are the non-romantic forms of care, affection and loyalty we extend towards family (storgē), friends (philia), and ourselves (philautia). Then, embracing romance, Lee’s notions of pragma, mania, and ludus are joined by the passionate desire of “epithymia,” and the star-crossed destiny of “anánkē.”

Again, these labels all bring together related terms from diverse languages. For instance, the spirit of anánkē is found in terms like the Japanese “koi no yokan,” which roughly means “premonition of love,” capturing the feeling on first meeting someone that falling in love will be inevitable. And likewise the Chinese term “yuán fèn” can be interpreted as a binding force of irresistible destiny.

Finally, there are three forms of selfless, “transcendent” love, in which one’s own needs and concerns are relatively diminished. These are the compassion of agápē, ephemeral sparks of “participatory consciousness,” such as when we are emotionally swept up within a group dynamic (koinonia), and the kind of reverential devotion that religious believers might hold towards a deity (sebomai).

Clearly, there any many ways we can love and be loved. You and your life partner might well experience feelings of epithymia, pragma, or anánkē, but may also – or alternatively, instead – be blessed with moments of storgē, agápē and koinonia. Likewise, a deep friendship could similarly be suffused with some mixture of flavours such as pragma, storgē, agápē and anánkē, in which we feel a profound and fated bond of lifelong connection.

Moreover, this list is merely preliminary, with other flavours potentially yet to be acknowledged. So hopefully we can be reassured that even if we are not romantically head-over-heels “in love” – in that archetypal Hollywood fashion – our lives may still be graced by love in some precious and uplifting way.


Read more about love such as: Love and Obsession: How to Tell Them Apart and Leave One Behind or Who Knew this LOVE Potion Actually Had Science to Back it Up.

Harry and Meghan Markle’s Royal Wedding Was The Perfect Representation of a Modern Empowered Couple

While there was a great sense of beauty, love and faith on full display at Saturday’s royal wedding, the event and the marriage itself, is the prefect example of a modern empowered couple.

The history of Britain hangs on a timeline of nobility, arranged marriages, and royalty bound by duty over love. Today’s wedding was a different kind of fairytale — one worth getting behind.

The relationship of the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was able to grow into one of mutual respect, care and understanding outside of the public arena. Unlike others throughout royal history, Harry was able to choose Meghan based on her intelligence and her dedication to making the world a better place.

The late Princess Diana was the perfect guide for selfless devotion to others, particularly children. Perhaps that is the reason Harry was so moved by Meghan, who served as the Global Ambassador for World Vision, the world’s largest international children’s charity.

The couple breaks many traditions, from diversity, with a divorcee, and that the bride no longer needed to be a virgin, a requirement no longer demanded of royal brides. The last to be required to follow the edict was Diana in 1981.

Unlike the fairy tales of old, Meghan was not in need of a prince to ride up on a white horse and rescue her as a damsel in distress. Nor was her new sister-in-law Kate. The two are fully empowered women with their own successes in life and careers.

Finally, today, the world watched a royal bride walk herself down the aisle, and while Prince Charles escorted Meghan to her beloved, there was no one to “give her away.”

Meghan Markle walks herself down the aisle

The tradition of giving a woman away dates back to the days when women were considered property by their parents. The idea of giving them away typically also came with a dowry. Today, Meghan proved she belongs to no man, only to herself. She walked down the aisle and entered into a partnership, not a new ownership.

The times have changed and finally those changing times have come to the British royal family. Both Harry and William have proven they want strong and empowered women as their partners. There’s no going back to the stuffy, old-fashioned era. Thankfully.

For Graduates Finding Love Might be the Next Step

You did it! You finally made it through those years of tedious classes, papers, dates and breakups and you’re moving on to start your life. So, where do you start?

Make this Your Summer of LOVE: For the next two weeks, you can message Relationship Expert and Founder of LOVE TV Karinna Karsten directly for free as she leads you with interactive tools and tutorials designed to speed up the success of your dating goals.

We know it isn’t easy and you’re ready to start your career off with a bang, but you deserve love too.

To sign up go here now and use special offer code Graduate when you click Start a 7 Day Free Trial.

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