
11 Struggles Of Being A Highly Sexual Woman

We believe you should be true and happy with your own desires!

When you’re a woman who absolutely loves sex, you’re a minority among your female counterparts. You’re a bit like a unicorn, a woman whom men have heard of but have never seen.

To many, you are a myth. In fact, women being sexual creatures in any sense are a myth to most.

The thing is, we definitely are sexual beings despite the conflicting rhetoric society likes to project. We all love a great sexual encounter of the sweaty, steamy variety.

Yet, just like most things, some of us are much more sexual than others.

A highly sexual woman is just like any other woman. We’ve embraced our sexuality, and we own it. We want sex just as much, if not more than men do.

We’re lustful and fantasize just as much as the male population. We refuse to find shame in our desires, no matter who tries to ostracize us.

We’re sexually insatiable, and while the guys we date may think that’s just fantastic, it ends up being more of a struggle.

Suddenly, you’re the one trying to jump your boyfriend at every turn. Suddenly, you’re the one coming on to HIM all the time.

Not to mention, the good people of society would delightedly go on a witch hunt if they knew about your less-than-kosher sexual desires.

We’re told to embrace our sexuality by liberal media and yet, told to hide it by everyone else. What’s with this double standard?

Why should a guy get to romp around from bed to bed and face no social consequences, and a girl can’t even have a little fun? What is a gal to do?

These are 11 struggles every highly sexual woman faces on a regular basis:

1. When your boyfriend turns you down for sex, it hurts that much more

You’ve always been told a woman is the one who is pursued for intercourse in a relationship. This has never been the case for you.

You often find your boyfriend just cannot physically keep up with you. If you had your way, you’d be getting it on three times a day.

All of this “three times a week is the average” bullsh*t makes no sense to you. Therefore, when your boyfriend tells you he doesn’t want sex, you can’t help but feel really hurt and offended.

Why would a guy not want to have sex with you? It makes you feel like you’re not sexy, especially in such a vulnerable position

2. You have more vibrators than Babeland

Your vibrators come in all shapes and sizes, colors and intensity levels. You know how each of them works in its own special way, and you love each individually.

None of your friends understand why you could possibly need such an extensive collection, but you know better.

They all have a specific, different purpose. You’re looking for more than just your average stimulation and a halfhearted orgasm.

On top of all of this complicated tomfoolery, you constantly run out of AA batteries and end up spending more money to replace them than you do on shoes.

3. Society will judge and shame you

You deal with the stigma of being called a slut and a whore on the regular. You feel like the world is breathing down your neck, constantly attempting to stamp a scarlet A on your chest.

You’re in a constant battle between wanting to be proud of your sexual fearlessness and the labels society has historically tarnished sexual women with.

4. Men really don’t know what to make of you

They don’t know whether they’ve hit the ultimate jackpot or gotten in way over their heads. You’re always down for the freaky stuff, which is awesome, but your sexual insatiability can be intimidating.

You don’t care enough to worry if you’re emasculating a man with your high drive.

He can just get over it or get out. Guys want sex, but once they meet you, it’s a head-trip. You’re putting out constantly. What does he have to complain about?

5. People will call you a sex addict

Both your friends and your boyfriends have referred to you as a “sex addict.” You inform them that a sex addict is someone who goes out and f*cks everything he or she sees, often unsafely.

You are simply a woman who loves to have sex. That doesn’t make you an addict. It makes you a human being.


6. All of your friends come to you for sex advice

This is one of the nicest parts about being so sexual. Your friends feel like they can live vicariously through your many sexual endeavors.

They also trust you enough to come to you with all of their questions about sex. You always have the answers because there are very few things you haven’t given a try.

Anything the girls need to know, they know you’re the person to see.

7. You make everything a sexual innuendo

You sexuality spills into every facet of your life, especially your humor. You can’t help but make every joke sexual. Everything from pencils, cucumbers and forearms can be metaphors for dicks.

You manage to make even the most innocent of exchanges dirty. But hey, you don’t have a dirty mind — just a sexy imagination.

8. You can separate sex and love

Unlike most of your female counterparts, you have no problem taking your emotions out of the act of sex. You can have sex just like a man.

To you, sex is a fun, pleasurable activity. It doesn’t need to be fraught with feelings. You’re a busy woman who doesn’t have time to deal with drama. You just want to get off and get back to your lengthy to-do list.

9. Pretty much anything is a turn on

Even the most mundane things can be a turn on. Whether it is a cute guy eating an ice cream cone or an expected breeze whipping up your skirt, you find it takes very little to get you hot and bothered.

You often find yourself at home with your boyfriend (either robotic or human) getting it on before dinnertime. When you’re at work or out with friends, you consciously remind yourself to keep your mind off sex.

10. Sex is your therapy

F*ck yoga. Nothing in this world could relax you the way sex does. Sure, you enjoy the catharsis of a bottle of wine and Netflix on occasion, but you’d much rather be indulging in a hump sesh than a romcom.

It also serves as your main source of exercise. Any cardio that comes with an orgasm is all right by you.

11. You stopped counting your number of sexual partners

You’re always safe, but a number is just a number. You’re not ashamed, and you shouldn’t have to be.

As long as you’re careful with your sexual health, you will continue to enjoy yourself and let your freak flag fly.

You go, girl. You go.


Curated by Tatiana
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10 Honestly Erotic Quotes to Turn a Closed Heart Open & Make a Serious Face Blush

Lust is about more than passion. Passion is about more than desire. Both, at their root, are divine fire: holy transports accessed only through mutual or un-confused bliss. Enjoy!

I let down my silken hair over my shoulders and open my thighs over my lover….Winter skies are cold and low, with harsh winds and freezing sleet. But when we make love beneath our quilt, we make three summer months of heat. ~ Tzu Yeh


And to my lips’
Bright crimson rim
The passion slips,
And down my slim
White body drips
The shining hymn…
~ D.H. Lawrence, “Mystery”

O happiest transport, dearest blessing,
Sweetest-rapture past expressing!
Who can tell the thrilling pleasure,
When the nymph resigns her treasure!
When she melts in ripen’d blisses,
Breathing out her soul in kisses!…
~ William Pattison, “The Enjoyment,” 1728


Let me lie,
let me die on thy snow-covered bosom,
I would eat of thy flesh as a delicate fruit,
I am drunk of its smell, and the scent
of thy tresses
Is a flame that devours.
~ George Moore

Announcing the Love TV Show

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

~ Pablo Neruda

The Perils of Sexy Talk

by Julia Solomon

I love sexy talk. Only during sex, otherwise it’s rude. It’s not even so much that I like it, but that I prefer it to the sound of silence while bodies slap together and bed coils squeak. It helps me concentrate. It doesn’t get me hot and bothered, it just allows me to get a little bit out of my head (which is the worst place to be when you’re trying to relax and let an orgasm happen). It’s totally understandable why some people are a little hesitant to try kinky talking. It’s so easy to feel embarrassed because you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Sex is already a very intimate activity, but adding conversation to it, you’re raising the stakes. Both parties could already be concerned about whether or not they’re doing the right “moves”, and now you might worry about whether or not you’re saying the right things. I think the key is confidence and commitment. It’s important to say things confidently. It kind of reminds me of being in class in high school (don’t worry, it’s not going there) and you hesitantly answer a question that the teacher has asked you. You’re not sure you’re right, so your pitch gets higher towards the end of the sentence. The teacher always says the same thing, “Are you asking me or are you telling me?” Then you feel dumb, because they’re kind of calling your bluff. You’re afraid to say the wrong answer. Here’s a fun example:

Teacher: Who is Justin Timberlake’s wife?

Student: Jessica Biel?

Teacher: Are you asking me or are you telling me?

Student: Jessica Biel. His wife is Jessica Biel. I have no fear. I am woman, hear me roar.

I’m not really sure what class this conversation would take place in, but I hope you get the gist by now. Just commit, and say it confidently, you have nothing to fear. You’re both in this together, you stepping up will make the other person feel more comfortable, which is important, because now the person has nothing to worry about. You went for it, now they can reciprocate. I’ve had mostly pleasant experiences while using sexy talk in the bedroom, but when you don’t know someone really well, things can get weird. You don’t know each others’ boundaries and you could end up saying something the other person is not comfortable with. Or, something they’re just not used to, which can make for an…interesting experience, to say the least.

There have been some instances in my life where certain things were said in the bedroom that not only put me back into my head entirely, but also, made it very hard for me to contain my laughter. When I first moved to New York City, I was very anxious to get laid. So, when a guy invited me back to his place late at night, I went with it. He wasn’t a complete stranger, but I didn’t know him very well, either. I wanted to have fun. I didn’t particularly like this guy so I wasn’t interested in feigning any sort of romance. I just wanted to have sex, and hopefully have an orgasm while doing so. That did not happen, mainly because of some pretty silly things he said to me. If you use any of these terms during sex, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I’m going to share a couple of them with you. Please note, I was not offended nor did I feel violated by anything he said that night — the end result was mostly confusion, laughter, and a general questioning of what I was doing with my life.

While we were having sex, I encouraged the kinky talk at first, which is probably why he felt comfortable asking “Yeah, are you my little sex slave?” Fortunately, I was not facing him at the time when he said this, because I started smiling and holding back laughter immediately (thank you, doggy style). Wait, did he seriously just say that? This is hilarious. I can’t take this seriously. That was all I could think. Then started the imagery. The term “sex slave” brings to mind women tied up in chains, in Egypt or something, where the only thing they’re allowed to do is have sex with the Pharaoh or feed him grapes. But, I’ll try anything once — I went with it, and felt like an idiot. This was just so out of my ball park, I couldn’t handle it. I was used to stuff along the lines of “oh yeah, does that feel good?” or.. you know what, one example is enough. The point is, it was pretty tame compared to what this man preferred.

The first thing that weirded me out wasn’t necessarily an unusual request. He kept asking me to say his name. But, it was a weird name. By weird, I mean, the least sexy name in the world. I won’t reveal it, so I’m going to use the name Harold. Imagine saying “Oh yeah, give it to me, Harold! Harder, YES! YES, HAROLD!” It sounds awful. Also, we were in a 4-bedroom loft. Were his roommates used to stuff like this? When they hear women screaming for Harold, do they just think, “Oh, Harry! That dirty old dog!” or are they more like “I can’t wait to get a one bedroom apartment.” Why do guys want you to yell their name? Maybe it’s a watching-too-much-porn thing, maybe it makes them feel powerful. My theory? Perhaps a little bit of narcissism, like they want to know they’re the best or they need to be reassured that “Yeah, this girl wants it, and not just in general, specifically from me!”

He told me I was more than welcome to stay the night, and I politely declined. I instead opted to take a cab from Brooklyn to Harlem, which is not cheap. As expensive as it was, it was completely worth it. I got into the cab and laughed all the way back to Harlem until I had to pay the fare. This guy was super nice and sweet outside of the bedroom, so what was the deal? You can never really assume what someone is like in the sack. As the saying goes, “Never judge a sexual partner based on their behavior in public and/or in front of others.” Yes, it was a weird experience, but it would have been a lot weirder had he not been confidently saying those things. I can’t think of anything funnier than a guy hesitantly asking me to be his sex slave. Go big, or go home. He went big, I went home.

The 12 Biggest Moments From Bruce Jenner: The Interview

Bruce Jenner sat down for a far-ranging two-hour interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer. Here are the 12 biggest moments from that interview:

1. Bruce Jenner: ‘I’m a Woman’

“For all intents and purposes, I’m a woman,” Jenner said. “People look at me differently. They see you as this macho male, but my heart and my soul and everything that I do in life — it is part of me.”

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: ‘I’m a Woman’

2. Bruce Jenner Say This is Not a Publicity Stunt

“We’re going to make a difference in the world with what we’re doing, and if the whole Kardashian show gave me a foothold into that world, to be able to go out there and do something good, I got not problem with that,” Jenner said.


Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: This Is Not a Publicity Stunt

3. Bruce Jenner Remembers First Time He Wore a Dress

“I marked the closet so when I put it back I could put it all back, everything back in the exact same spot so I wouldn’t get caught,” Jenner said. “And, at the time, I didn’t know why I was doing it besides it just made me feel good.”

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: First Time He Wore a Dress

4. Who Was the First Person Jenner Told?

“I said ‘these are my issues. This is what I deal with.’ And they think I do a little cross dressing, I do a little of this, a little of that, you know, ‘it’s going to be fine, we’ll work all this stuff out,’” Jenner said.

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Who Was the First Person Bruce Told?

5. Bruce Jenner: ‘I’m Not Gay’

“No, I’m not gay. I am not gay, I am, as far as I know, heterosexual,” Jenner said.

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: I’m Not Gay

6. Bruce Jenner Took Female Hormones in the 1980s

“I did it almost five years,” Jenner said.
Premiere of "Fire & Ice"

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Jenner Took Female Hormones in the 1980s

7. Bruce Jenner: ‘I Had The Story’

“I had the story,” he continued. “We had done 425 episodes I think, over almost eight years, and the entire run I kept thinking to myself, ‘oh my god, this whole thing.’ The one real true story in the family was the one I was hiding and nobody knew about it.”

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: ‘I Had the Story’

8. Bruce Jenner Was Terrified To Tell His Kids

“Those are the ones I’m concerned with and the only ones I don’t—I can’t allow, I can’t let myself hurt them,” Jenner said.

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Terrified to Tell His Kids

9. Brandon Jenner ‘More Proud Than Ever’ of His Father

“I saw a sense of bravery that is, for all your previous accomplishments, I think far exceeds all of them,” Brandon Jenner told his father during an exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer. “I’m just honored and more proud than ever to be a part of the family.”

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Brandon Jenner ‘More Proud Than Ever’ of His Father

10. Bruce Jenner: Kim Kardashian ‘Caught Me One Time’ in a Dress

“Kim caught me one time, walked in,” Bruce Jenner said. “She kind of walked out and jumped in the car and went for a ride, and I tried to call her and said, ‘hey, are you OK?’ … it was like this big secret in the family and we never talked about it again.”

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Kim Kardashian ‘Caught Me One Time’ in a Dress

11. Bruce Jenner on Kanye West’s Reaction

“Kim told me a story,” Jenner said. “She goes, ‘you know what really turned me around on thinking about this?’ I said, ‘what?’ She goes, ‘Kanye.’ I went, ‘oh, OK.’ … they were talking about it, and he says to Kim, ‘Look, I can be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am. I can have the most beautiful little daughter in the world, I have that. But I’m nothing if I can’t be me.’”

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Kanye West’s Reaction

12. Bruce Jenner’s Plan for Becoming ‘Her’

Jenner talks about what’s next for him in his process.

Bruce Jenner Interview With Diane Sawyer: Plan for Becoming Her

Curated by Tatiana
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NSFW – The Great Wall of Vaginas

Every woman is beautiful and unique!

Warning: As the title suggests, this post is full of vaginal renderings. If you do not want to see a wall of labia, do not continue reading. We repeat, do not continue reading.

UK-based sculptor Jamie McCartney has spent the better half of a decade creating hundreds of renderings of female genitalia. In a project titled “The Great Wall of Vagina,” the artist demonstrates not only his ability to craft effective word play, but also his knack for capturing the physical diversity of labia in a 30-foot polyptych.


McCartney recruited around 400 women for the series of 10 panels, casting the vulvae of women aged 18 to 76. During the five-year process, he encountered identical twins, transgender individuals, pre- and postnatal women and pre- and post-labiaplasty patients, all of whom were willing to submit their genitalia to plaster in the name of art.

“This is about grabbing the attention, using humour and spectacle, and then educating people about what normal women really look like,” “The Great Wall of Vagina” site states. There McCartney makes sure to point out that the work of sculpture is not erotic art, nor is it pornography — it’s actually closer to “the Vagina Monologues of sculpture.


“For many women their genital appearance is a source of anxiety,” McCartney adds on the site, “and I was in a unique position to do something about that.”

As with any vagina-centric artwork, online responses to the sculptural feat have ranged from creepy to insightful over the years. The Frisk went as far as to call the wall the eighth wonder of the world.

View photos of the artistic process on the next page…

10 Reasons Why You’ll Fall For The Funny Guy Every Time

Why is it when girls are asked what qualities they look for in a guy, most say a sense of humor?

There’s just something about a guy who makes you giggle like a little schoolgirl, and there’s a reason Seth Rogen never fails to steal our hearts in every movie.

Funny guys have a charm and electricity about them that is hard to deny. Below are the real reasons why the silly man will always have you hooked:

1. He never fails to entertain you.

Dating a guy with a good sense of humor never gets boring. He is spontaneous and will pull almost any stunt for a laugh. It makes things exciting because you have to be quick to keep up with him.

2. To be funny, a guy must be witty and creative: plus and plus!

If you ask any writer what the most difficult genre to write for is, he or she will most likely say comedy. Sure, anyone can tell a good ol’ fashion fart joke, but it takes a certain type of a genius to nail a punchline that will make you laugh until your belly hurts.

To be on his game, he must be quick on his feet and original. If your guy is truly funny, he probably has a vast knowledge of peculiar facts and an arsenal of voices to share them in.

3. He knows how to handle social situations.

Nothing eases up an awkward moment better than a good-hearted joke. He has made enough inappropriate wisecracks to know when the time is right to tease and when it is better to keep his mouth shut.

You no longer have to cringe about leaving your guy in a room alone with others. Part of being funny is knowing where everyone else is coming from. Building off others, he can find something in common that they can all chat or even chuckle about.

4. He is naturally very observant.

How is he going to poke fun at your “Hunger Games” poster unless he’s taken a moment to observe your room?

The reason comedians are so good at what they do is attributed to their keen sense of what’s going on around them and ability to find the absurdness in it. A good way to one-up his witty remarks is to thank him for noticing.

5. He makes you a better person.

You stressed out too much before he entered the picture; now he teaches you to laugh at life and yourself.

Your safety wall melts away when he is around, and when he makes a fool out of himself, you feel more comfortable to do the same. What is a sweeter love when you can both truly be yourself around each other?

How Your Lover Can Enhance Your Orgasm

Need help achieving an orgasm with your lover?

These six tips increase your likelihood of happy endings.

  1. Don’t expect orgasm to take place during intercourse. 3/4 of women need direct stimulation of the clitoris to achieve an orgasm.
  2. You must be touched all over, not just those places! Think of sex as a whole body massage.
  3. Foreplay helps women have orgasms. When making love, do everything at half speed. Incorporate 30 minutes of kissing, cuddling, and whole-body sensual caressing.
  4. Use a Lubricant. Lube makes women’s genitals more erotically sensitive.
  5. Break out of routines. Try something different. Ever notice that sex in hotels feels more arousing?
  6. Take a vibrator to bed. Some women need the intense stimulation that only vibrators can provide.


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5 Sex Positions Women Love

Positions that feel great and ease back pain? Let’s go!

When it comes to sex, positioning is key — and the more sex positions you have in your arsenal, the better.

Of course, your sexual positions have to ensure that your girl enjoys herself, so comfort is key, especially if she suffers from regular back pain. Besides, who wants to get a cramp or feel like their kneecap’s breaking all in the name of an orgasm?

A recent study (the first of its kind) carried out at Waterloo University focused on how the spine moves during sex and tried to find the best positions that will please your partner and ease her back pain.

Basically, if your lady experiences pain after sitting for a long time, she’s flexion-intolerant, and side-by-side or doggy-style are the way to go. If, on the other hand, she feels pain when she arches her back or is down on her stomach, she’s extension-intolerant, and missionary is what you’ll want to play around with.

That said, it’s time to check out five awesome sex positions that encourage slow rhythm and a highly penetrative tempo!

Bronco Buster

This is a female superior position AKA the kind of position most guys like best.

Get into it: Whether it’s a coffee table or a lounge chair, find a place where you can lie down and let your legs hang off the edge, while your girl gets to place her legs on either side, and stand on her feet to maneuver on top of you. Place your hands on her hips while she moves up and down, side to side, or even in a figure-eight swivel.

Raising The Mast

This is a male superior position that you’re guaranteed to enjoy immensely.

Get into it: While you kneel, rest your woman’s heels against your shoulders. This position allows you to enjoy different levels of penetration. For an added bonus, place a pillow under her butt and give her an orgasm that’ll make her knees weak. Luckily, she’s lying down.

Continue to the Bamboo Split, the Puppet Master and, of course, the Lock and Pose…

4 Keys to Sexual Mastery

How much sex will make you a master?

It can be a long, hard, slow, exquisite road to sexual mastery. One that, according to Malcolm Gladwell’s ideas on developing expertise in anything, takes 10,000 hours to travel.

If you are adhering to my weekly sex date rule, and Dr. Oz’s 200 orgasms a year prescription—even better if they are 4-hour orgasms—and you throw in a monthly sex weekend, you will be well on your way.

Self-pleasuring counts. As does reading, discussion, fantasy-sharing, phone sex, webcam adventures and the like.

Even still, you may need to up your commitment to sexual mastery. Given that the study is such a rewarding one, leading to genius, immortality, radiant health and spiritual ascension, it is time very well spent.

Here are some suggestions to hone your talents and release what lies within:

1) Study.

Their lips. Their eyes. Their breath. The shape, texture, taste and scent of every inch of them.

“I never knew I wanted to be a geographer until I saw your body.” ~ Autumn Sonnichshen

As you pause and linger over every nuance of your lover, you truly see them. That level of nakedness and vulnerability is the key to the hottest and most life-changing sex possible.

When you focus your attention so that you are present to every energetic fluctuation in between you, you slow down time. Your lovemaking becomes an intuitive dance rather than a pre-choreographed strategy.

2) Absorb their wisdom.

Yes. Every ounce of it.

Sexual fluids are potent elixirs. They are infused with your concentrated yin and yang essences. Ingesting them has a profoundly balancing and nourishing effect.

Ancient cultures collected male and female ejaculate to imbibe after an encounter: a power drink, if you will. Ditch the Red Bull and save a ton of money on those superfoods you love so much: you can harvest your own! Bottoms up, kids.

The act of devouring all aspects of your lover: literally drinking them in, is healing and bonds you more deeply.

3) Mentor under someone you admire.

The quality of admiration is overlooked in relationship. If I look back at the people I have been with, the degree to which I admired them—truly respected who they were and their contributions to the world—is the degree to which I have utterly succumbed.

Use admiration as your barometer for desire.
When you are with such a person, mentor under, on top of, on your knees and prostate with them.
I could go on and on: the possibilities are truly endless. It’s up to you to discover them.

4) Getting in The Zone.

You’ve probably had the experience of getting into “The Zone” in some part of your life. It’s that area where everything flows naturally, often found in sports, physical activity (like yoga!) or a creative act. We tap into a space where we are uncensored, natural and preternaturally gifted, even genius, at what we are engaged with.

Aim for this in your sex life: both in your emotional connection with your partner and physically.

Keep going until you get there. If you approach every conversation and sexual act as an experience that can bring you transcendence, then you will breakthrough to the other side into “The Zone.” It is here that what you’ve created takes on a life of its own.

Think of it like going running when you haven’t been out in a while. The first fifteen minutes can be grueling and feel like every lift of your leg is work. After a while, the run begins to carry you. (That, and the endorphins—much like sex).

It can be like this with sticky conversations that need to be had. At first, it feels awkward and clunky. Then you get some momentum going and you slide into a beautiful, intimate, raw space with each other. This is the golden zone.

It happens in physical sex too—you may take 15 or 30 minutes to truly find your rhythm with each other, but when you do, aim to stay there as long as possible.

This is where you learn from the act: it becomes your teacher. You begin to channel a flow and internal wisdom (your body knows) that comes from the deepest parts of you.

The best lovers aren’t made through a series of books and classes (though they don’t hurt). They are grown through the deepening of awareness, fearlessness and the ability to stay present in each moment.

Uncover. Get naked. Explore. Follow the flow.

And those 10,000 hours will pass by in the blink of an eye.


Curated by Erbe
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Using Siri Can Get You A Date

I always wondered if Siri could help you get a date…I guess she can!

As crazy as this video may seem, it isn’t fake. Haha, we really had no idea who the people were that we were approaching. We just used a little bit of magic to get their phone number :).


Curated by Erbe
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Overseas Lovers & Secondary Adolescence

Moving overseas has a tendency to feel like a second adolescence. You wipe the slate and have a chance to try on different versions of yourself. It can be quite daunting navigating what feels like being an adult teenager. It is a cycle of losing and finding yourself until you find the right fit. If you choose to return to your nest from battle, you may find you are comforted by familiarity and perspective. Then, should you decide to return to where you did all your growing and shifting, you get to double down on new perspectives.

Here is my story on my second adolescence and some of the relationships I experienced.

I had a thing for Bens* around the time I moved to Australia. My first Ben came to me when I found my first apartment in Melbourne. My friends brought him along I was a little tipsy and I liked the way his beard felt, so I invited him to stay and promptly passed out. He was a perfect gentleman. We dated for four months (a good beard can get you places, apparently). He took me out for food, we wore sweatpants a lot, smoked marijuana, he taught me to play some music and we jammed together and we watched the TV show Weeds and had pretty fantastic sex. I met his family for passover and they were fantastic. After a while some cracks started to show. One day I felt homesick and I cried. His overwhelming sympathy consisted of a trip to his local pub and an invitation to stay behind if I felt like it. Another day, I found out my cat had died on my way to a football game with him, and I cried. He repeated the drill by walking a full meter in front of me while I wept and then we went to the game.

At a certain point, I realized I had never really felt fully connected to Ben #1, but I felt comfortable in those sweatpants, and was ever so far from home. I needed it.

My second Ben came after I left to do some travelling and working around the country. I came back to Melbourne a little shell shocked from some deep spiritual digging. I ended up at a party, and was chatted up by one of the coolest-looking Bens I’ve ever met. He was laid back, wore a winter hat even though it was warm. He worked at a cool bar and liked the same cool music I was into. He also made me feel very cool. He sent me a text before the night was over and took me out for dinner later in the week. He saw a photo of me with my mother in my wallet and told me I looked hot as though I should know it, which was not a feeling I was accustomed to, but it was very nice. We made out and he was the best kisser I had ever met until that point. I felt high when he pressed his lips against mine. He swept me off my feet about as swiftly as he ditched me for being “too intense.” Fair enough (a phrase he would exhaust even in the short time we knew one another). Everything felt more intense so far from home. Adolescence has a tendency to be a bit intense and I was on my second round of it.

Young yoga couple meditating during amazing sunset on the ocean

It was at this point that I found a local hot yoga studio and discovered that they were offering a special discount for people insane enough to do it every day for a month, they even let me keep going for two months. I threw myself into hot breathing and stretching on the daily, and also discovered in Melbourne you can see a relationship counsellor on a weekly basis and payment is on a sliding scale. So if you were broke, like I had been, it was free. I recommend this for everyone who takes up a new life overseas. I started to feel functional as a human again and unpacked all of my baggage while not having to burden my friends with my anxious thought.

My counsellor reached out to me after I left Australia for home and told me she had moved on to another facility and told me that her own experiences mirrored some of my own. It was touching to learn that even the people meant to fix you can have their own version of the experiences that have felt so impactful.

A year outside of your comfort zone, meeting your own Bens and having some uncomfortable growing pains can provide cathartic benefits. Taking healthy risks affects our emotional intelligence in a way that is as unique and wonderful as it is terrifying. Go find your Bens and come back and tell me about it. I’ve moved on to other names but would love to hear about yours.

*Names have been changed.

Relationship Bliss in 10

1. They go to bed at the same time.
Remember when you first started dating and you couldn’t wait to cuddle and sleep next to each other? Well, don’t forget that! Going to sleep at the same time is a necessity. When you go to bed together, you’re promoting healthy relationship patterns.

2. They find common interests.
It’s important to really enjoy spending time together. He doesn’t need to share your love of reality TV, and you obviously don’t need to understand his adoration for ESPN, but you should have activities that the two of you look forward to doing as a couple. Whether it’s picking a new recipe to try every weekend, going for a run, or simply watching The Blacklist, find something fun to do consistently together.

3. They touch.
Small gestures like holding hands or putting your arm around each other increases closeness, which is always a factor in the lives of happy couples. When you hold hands, you’re subconsciously reminding yourself that you care about each other.
Passion couple

4. They don’t pointlessly nag.
Happy couples emphasize the positive things that their partner does. This means that if something is bothering you, you have a real conversation about it. Nitpicking, nagging, or criticizing are not the way to someone’s heart.

5. They embrace affection, continuing to kiss each other hello and say “I love you.”
Before you leave for work in the morning, give your partner a really great goodbye kiss and say I love you. When you come home from a long day, do it again. Your morning and evening greeting should be something that you look forward to. Once you start kissing and sharing your feelings often, you’ll appreciate each other more. People forget that the small things make a difference. When you begin your day with a loving gesture, you’re starting on a great note.

Guy-Approved Seduction Tips

Seduce the right guy, the right way.

Men are simple creatures. Women spend much more time pondering our desires and motivations than  than we do, but nobody said we don’t value introspection. Women want to know what men want, and men—when plied with alcohol—want to tell them. So armed with a pen and an open bar tab, I set out to find the information that will help you snag your man.

First, know what you’re after. More and more women are holding off on relationships—at least for a while—and, like countless men before them, complaining that they can’t get no satisfaction. Emphasis on ‘action.’ So the first question I posed to the motley mass: “What should a woman do to get your interest if they want to sleep with you?”

“Just say hello!”

“Ask us to buy you a beer.”

“Stick your hand on my crotch.”

“Dress slutty, and take off your shirt.”

What can I say? We’re a shallow lot. The truth is, if you want to seduce a man into bed with you and he doesn’t have what he thinks is a “better” option, you just have to lay it out there. Alcohol helps. Ugly, I know.

But seducing for life is another matter. “Men, instinctually, gotta hunt,” says Bechir, 26, “and what we hunt is hot women. But every man doesn’t see ‘hot’ the same way.”

Just like we wouldn’t use a monkey wrench to put up drywall, you’ll need different tools depending on what kind of guy you’re trying to land. So tip number two? Know your audience. A primer:

The Baller
The Guy: Whether he loves football or baseball, basketball or soccer or rugby, his dream girl is a sexy, fun, low-maintenance, bust-open-a-beer cheerleader for “Team Him.” He loves the gym, loves sports, and will wear his team’s jerseys to your grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary party.

The Approach: In his mind, he’s a big league athlete, so compliment his physique, and be specific (“You have great triceps”). He spends time on this, and he’ll be psyched you noticed. Lots of  arm-touching and bicep squeezing is good; make him feel strong (Hint: We love it when you say, “Can you open this?”) Drink a beer, not a martini, and ask him to play a game of darts or pool. Even if you suck, he’ll love teaching you the game. It’s also a great place for physical contact. “And ask him if he ever played sports,” said Mark, 31, to grunts of approval all around. “We love that.”

The Warning: You may always play second fiddle to the gym or his favorite sports team, and Sunday afternoon could be really frustrating for you. If he doesn’t give up Sunday afternoon orMonday Night Football for you when you’re dating, he  never will. Kids won’t change it either; he’ll want to teach them to love the Jets/Bulls/Yankees as much as he does.

The Big Daddy
The Guy: This guy doesn’t just think of himself as a man, he thinks of himself as The Man, and you should, too. He loves women, but not in the most modern, equality-driven way, and he wants his girlfriend (or wife) to be sexy.

The Approach: Be hot, but don’t dress in the “screw-me” dress or that’s all you’ll get. “It’s all about the first look,” says Bechir, “an outfit that compliments you best feature: breasts, ass, legs, whatever you got. Look good with just a hint of ‘freak’ that might be his later. This is a dog, give him a little bone!”   Let him talk about himself, because this guy values a supportive woman more than an intellectual one. “I want a loyal woman who is gonna take care of me when it counts ,” says Hector, 27, “the kitchen and the bedroom.” Two guys high-five behind him, but I look a little uncomfortable until Hector’s friend jumps in: “Cook him dinner! If you cook like his mom, you’re in!”

Warning: Cook like his mom, but don’t smell like his mom. Find a unique perfume that smells all-girl. And most importantly, don’t confuse “supportive” with “vapid.” Make jokes, show some spirit, and don’t overdo it. If there’s a small something you don’t like about him, don’t lie; turn it into a positive. If he’s pudgy, call him your “pudgy bear.” Then have crazy sex with him.

The Nerd
The Guy: Forget coy smiles from across the bar; this guy won’t approach you. In his mind he’s still the skinny dork standing on the sidelines of the school dance.

The Approach: Chum it up. Laugh at his jokes, don’t wear make-up, be a dork. It’s cool with him. This is a good guy who want a real girl. Also, comment on how smart he is. He thinks his brain is his best feature, so make it seem sexy. And use the following phrase: “You are really cute, I love your (insert desirable quality here).” He’ll fall all over himself if he thinks you might give him the rock-star sex that he spends good money to watch on the internet. But be careful: these guys make great best friends, but move from “buddy” to “relationship” quickly or you could slip into the “best-friend-with benefits” zone.

Warning: These guys usually have a hobby or interest you don’t understand–RPG’s, Lord of the Rings obsessions, Fantasy Football, whatever. Don’t mock it.. If you don’t get it, fine. Just be supportive. If you happen to love it, too, then dress up in Star Trek outfits and role-play your way to Geek Love.

The Bad Boy
The Guy: Hot, interesting, mysterious and full of possibilities… the ultimate diamond in the rough. This guy is unpredictable, and no matter how many times he forgets to call or  issues last minute invitations, there is a certain brilliance and sensitivity and excitement about him. Or so you say.

Approach: “If you’re hot enough or I have nothing better, you’re in,” says Marco, 23, who claims he ‘really means well every time [he] screws up.’ Be interested, fun and up for anything, but not needy. In fact, don’t need anything, because you won’t get it. This is all about him, and if you’re open to adventure and don’t mind clutching coat tails, he’ll be happy to take you for a wild ride.

Warning: He is never going to change. You won’t fix him. He will crush your heart into pieces, and then snort them up his nose. If you still want to pursue him, go into your room and draw a map of where you’re about to hide your self-esteem, because you won’t be able to find it later.

Despite their differences, there was one thing that all the men agreed upon: If you have goals for a guy beyond the end of the evening, don’t look slutty or be crude in public; we don’t want to take that home to mom. Men may love porn, but we don’t want to marry a porn star.

Feeling like the topic was thoroughly vetted, I started to close out the tab when  a new voice piped up:

“It’s so hard and yet so simple,” said Phillip, a divorced father of two. “If you want to seduce a man down the aisle, be positive, bring joy to the table, use your brain, laugh, and let us think we are–at least to you–the smartest most interesting man in the world, and that you will always be an advocate for us.”

The men all nodded quietly, struck dumb by awe and Heineken, till, with equal reverence, Todd, 34, chimed in: “And you gotta give blow jobs.”


Curated by Erbe
Original Article

How to Spot Sexual Attraction in Eyes

Out of all the different non-verbal behaviors, I think that spotting attraction is without a doubt the easiest. We are very emotional creatures and when we’re attracted to somebody, it’s very, very difficult to hide. People think they’re hiding it, but things always slip.

One of the ways they slip are essentially the eyes. There are a lot of different ways you can use the eyes to determine whether or not someone’s attracted to you. The first thing is essentially eye contact. For the most part, usually we make eye contact with people that we’re interested in or people that we’re attracted to. Right? But this is not entirely true. Some people are shy or anxious and they’re not going to make eye contact. So what you’re looking for essentially is a deviation in eye contact.

So one of the ways you can use eye contact and there’s a little trick that’s very, very reliable. So what you’re going to do is if you look at somebody in a bar or restaurant or on the street and they break eye contact vertically, so they look down. So you make eye contact with them and they break eye contact vertically and then within 20-30 seconds they reestablish eye contact, approach them. They like you. It’s a very, very reliable thing.

Essentially what they’re doing. You stare at them. They’re submitting to you and then they take a little second glance to see who you are. It’s very, very, very reliable. The opposite of that would be if you look at somebody and they look at you and they immediately go and break eye contact. Nope, not interested. But what is reliable is they break eye contact and they come back. Break eye contact and then come back. Break eye contact and then come back. It’s very interesting.

And don’t let it wait. If you see that, go right away because the more and more you wait. The more and more eye contact becomes very, very awkward. One of the things that I do in one of my classes is I have people stare each other in the eyes for three minutes without saying anything. They just stare each other in the eyes like this. Try that. Go out and try to stare somebody in the eyes for even 90 seconds. I guarantee you can’t do it. It’s awkward. It’s so awkward because humans are not really at a level intimacy. When you stare somebody in the eyes is so awkward when you’re doing it with a stranger.

Studies will show that if you stare somebody in the eyes for 90 seconds to three minutes, all of a sudden you’re going to like that person a lot better than everybody else in the room because you kind of shared this emotional connection. So eye contact is important in that respect.

The second thing you can look for essentially is blink rate. Now, this is really cool. So blink rate correlate with emotional excitement. When we are emotionally excited, our blink rates tend to increase. Right? Average blink rates tend to be below 20 blinks per minute. For most people it really depends on where you are, but it’s really hard to nail down what the average blink rate is. But in my experience, it seems to be around 10 blinks per minute. Right? So you see, whenever you see a sudden spike or a bunch of sudden spikes in somebody’s blink rate in can be an indication of attraction. In my dating studies you see blink rates through the roof because the person across the table from you has an emotional response. You’re attracted to them.

The third way of kind of using the eyes to determine attraction is dilation. It’s very interesting. Our eyes dilate when we’re attracted to something. Right? Go out and find a Maxim magazine or a Playboy magazine or any cover that’s predominately men focusing. Every single woman will have her eyes dilated. You never, ever see them constricted. The reason why is because men perceive women with dilated eyes more attractive than women with more constricted eyes. To the point of back in the day prostitutes used to put a specific toxin in their eyes to make them dilate.