Meg Scanlon, Author at Love TV

Could The Eclipse Still Have An Effect On Your Relationship?

The planets and solar eclipse may affect our love lives here on earth. Here’s how.

On August 21, 2017, we experienced a very rare and very cool natural phenomenon: a solar eclipse. Hopefully, you went out there at the designated time for your city and put on your NASA approved solar shades. Or maybe you made a homemade viewing device out of cereal boxes or tin foil and caught a glimpse of this amazing moment.

But, did you know that astrologists believe that this event can have a major impact on your personal life and relationships? Maybe you experienced some of this solar eclipse astrology first hand? Was it good, bad, or ugly? Maybe all three?

But first — here’s how to think about astrology.

We all know our sign. We may even ask people what their sign is (although hopefully not as a cheesy pick up line). But what does it really mean? Is it really a player in our everyday lives?

According to astrology, our individual birth dates profoundly impact who we are. explains it as, “the study of the correlation between the astronomical positions of the planets and events on earth.” It’s the energetic connection between all things.

For those who use horoscopes, they see it as about knowing yourself from a specific sense and using that information to live your best life. “[Understanding ourselves] and others through the astrological lens makes us more capable of healing, compassion and forgiveness” says “And a deep understanding of your basic blueprint gives you permission to express, with uncensored abandon, your unique gifts and talents in the world.”

Astrology is more than just horoscopes, however — it has a long history. Astrologer and journalist Donna Woodwell expresses, “Astrology is a vast and ancient art. Some form of astrology is practiced by many indigenous cultures around the world as they’ve sought to discover meaningful connections in the appearance of events in the sky with humanity’s more mundane world.” When you view it through this sense, it is a very cool metaphor for our connection to nature and the cosmos.

Solar eclipse astrology is known to bring about change and shake things up in our lives.

Donna Woodwell explains that “eclipses are all about working with shadows. A solar eclipse is literally the Moon’s shadow falling on the surface of the Earth. Metaphorically speaking, eclipses then are moments when we must face our individual and collective shadow, to allow us to find healing through a new level of understanding.”

Wow! This is getting real! Relationships can be our greatest teachers. They can mirror back to us what we may be too fearful to look inside and see within. They can bring light to our biggest fears and unhealed emotional wounds. Eclipses are about change and moving us forward. They are often a major turning point for us. They bring the truth out into the light.

Eclipses are seen as bringing big life events with them.

Astrologer Susan Miller states, “An eclipse can bring news of a birth of a baby, an engagement or marriage, a promotion or career breakthrough, important travel, the signing of a vital business contract, or the start of one’s own business.” She adds, “Monumental events, meetings and partings, or changes within your career may also take place at an eclipse.”

Solar eclipses bring about positive changes and beginnings. So look out for positive steps forward in a relationship, new career opportunities and other new adventures.

beautiful thinking couple

An important person may be literally “eclipsed” out of your life.

Susan Miller explains, “A solar eclipse generally points to a prominent male in your life, so often a man may leave. If you are to be affected, you may break up a relationship with a man, or see that your boss has quit and is leaving, as another example.”

The symbolism! Now that your heart is racing, here’s some relief — Miller says that it only happens occasionally. So while not highly likely, you should be aware that the change that comes could possibly be of the painful variety. And sometimes people being eclipsed out of our lives is a necessary, albeit difficult, change.

Eclipses don’t affect everyone the same, and for some it may be ongoing.

Susan Miller explains that not all of these changes will affect every person. She goes into the details here. The specifics have to do with your birthdate, sign, personal chart, and other factors.

So, too, will the timeline of effects be different for everyone. Maharani Rutan, a certified Vedic Reader, says “it is often noted that things which happen, focusing around the eclipse do not happen on the day of the eclipse, but could reasonably happen months later as triggers of other events or planetary changes interacting with changes.”

So keep on the lookout for these happenings in your life and relationships. Maybe you noticed things on the day, a few days later, or maybe some surprises are still to come!

For more reading on our astrological love lives, check out “Time for Feathers?! Date Ideas for the Chinese Year of the Rooster” or “7 Rules For Tapping Your Intuition in Love.”

20 Relationship Memes That Will Give You All The Feels If You’re In Love

Being with the love of your life is the best! Here are some awesome relationship memes that capture just how great it is.

1. You really really love each other.


2. You perfectly complement each other.

via Fox Searchlight

3. Neither one of you are perfect but you are both trying your best.


4. You think each other are just adorable.

via Warner Bros.

5. You both love to cuddle.


6. You are excited to share your favorite things.

via Disney

7. You are very comfortable together.

via Universal

8. You’ve been together for a long time.


9. You want to shout your love from the rooftop.


10. You have the same interests.


11. You’re bananas about each other.

12. You are on the same page.

13. You never go anywhere with out a goodbye kiss.


14. You can’t even imagine being with anybody else.

via Disney

15. You think they are perfect.

via Disney

16. You are soul mates.


17. You are a team.

via CBS

18. You have similar taste in fashion.

via princessofwifi

19. You support each other.

via The CW

20. You tell each other everything.

via NBC

Being in a loving relationship is awesome!

It’s great having someone to share your life with. Being with a partner who truly gets you and helps you be your best self is the ultimate relationship goal. Not to mention the inside jokes! Share some memes with the one you love today!

For more articles about true love, check out “How I Hit The Cosmic Love Lottery” or “The Best Marriage Advice I Ever Received Was from My Parents.”

10 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship According To Experts

Need expert advice on love? We got you.

Meeting someone you really care for is fun and exciting. You want to make sure your relationship is a mutually fulfilling and stable one. But how do you know it’s healthy for sure?

As much as advice from our friends or family may help, an impartial and experienced perspective might give your relationship the check-up it actually needs.

Here are 10 signs of a healthy relationship according to various experts:

1. You completely trust each other.

According to psychiatrist Abigail Brenner, M.D, Trust means that you believe that your partner has what it takes to weather the storms of life and come through them standing by your side.”

You know that your partner is there for you, through the good and the bad. You love and respect each other throughout life’s ups and downs. She adds, “Trust implies the unshakable confidence that no matter what happens, your partner will remain loyal to you and the relationship, will honor their commitments, will not lie, and will remain open to working out whatever difficulties arise.”

Ultimately, you both have each other’s backs.

2. You make room for each other’s dreams.

As much as we want to create a shared life together, it is still very important to maintain or own goals and dreams. Not doing so can lead to problems down the road. Often times couples initially put aside some of their individual goals to build a life together.

“Partners who respect and support those buried desires want them to happen,” says Dr. Randi Gunther, a clinical psychologist and marriage counselor. “They know that some of their relationship priorities may have to be rescheduled, and the resources to make that happen must be willingly reallocated.”

A great relationship means knowing your partner believes in you and wants you to fulfil your hopes and dreams.

3. You speak your mind.

Devon Corneal, writer for RealSimple states, “Relationships thrive when couples can express themselves freely and honestly. That means no topic is off limits, and you both feel heard. Consistent communication is vital to building a lasting life together.”

That being said, it is always done tactfully and respectfully. You want your partner to know what you are thinking and where you are coming from dso that they can truly know you.

4. You fight fair.

Conflict is a normal part of any close relationship. But it is how you handle it and how you treat each other during the conflict that matters most. Using it as a way to resolve the issue and move forward is one of the best signs of a healthy relationship.

“A good relationship is one where the two of you fight fair. In other words, you don’t curse, scream, talk down to each other or dismiss each other,” says relationship expert Dr. Terri Orbuch.

5. You accept each other’s imperfections.

No one is perfect, and expecting perfection from your partner is toxic. You are realistic about your expectations of others.

“No guy or girl will be able to put you first 100 percent of the time. No partner will be willing to stay up late on every single work night just to talk to you about life. No significant other can always drop what they’re doing to be available when you need them,” reflects Marisa Donnelly, author and poet.

We have to be able to cut our partner slack and accept that they will not always react perfectly. They will make mistakes and let us down at times.

She adds, “Real love is not about holding out for the perfect person or finding someone who meets all the criteria on your list. Real love is about finding an imperfect person and building a messy, beautiful love.”

Young Couple Or Family Sit Together At Kitchen, Have Pleasant Ta

6. You are kind to each other.

“Nothing is more important than treating the person you love with care, consideration, empathy, and appreciation,” says Devon Corneal.

You treat your partner with the same kindness and generosity as your best friends and close family members. You find yourself doing this because you want to, not out of obligation.

7. You have similar values.

“Ideally, you’re on the same page about key life issues — family values, raising children, religious and spiritual life, even politics. Having a similar way of looking at life creates a shorthand way to relate to each on important issues” suggests Dr. Abigail Brenner.

You aren’t the same in every way, but you are on the same page about the important things in life. This helps you plan for accomplishing life goals together and on the same timeline.

8. You keep your promises.

You keep your word and your partner trusts that you will. You keep your promise even if you partner will not find out if you broke it.

“When you experience true love, your moral conscience becomes very strong when it comes to this one special person,” says writer Elizabeth Arthur at Love Panky.

You also don’t say you will do something you have no intention of doing just to keep the peace. You say what you mean and mean what you say.

9. You value each other’s individuality and boundaries.

Dr. Abigail Brenner states, “Our individual differences should never be seen as being “less than” someone else’s, but as opportunities to gain a new perspective. A healthy relationship nurtures and embraces each of our special qualities.”

This also means you spend time apart to focus on your own interests. You understand that you each need time alone and with your own friends.

10. You feel really happy.

“Just watching this special person smile or laugh out loud fills you with intense happiness, even if you’re suffering or having a hard day,” notes Elizabeth Arthur.

You enjoy each other’s company and brighten each other’s day. You both can’t wait to share good news with each other and fill them in on what is happening in your life.

When you see these signs of a healthy relationship, 10 out of 10 experts would agree: you’re in a loving partnership.

The road to love may be difficult at times, but that’s to be expected. Keeping good and optimistic advice on your mind may not only make the journey a bit smoother, but also more rewarding. Who doesn’t want that?

For more articles about lasting love, check out “True Love Lessons from Sierra: Be Yourself” and “20 Relationship Memes That Will Give You All The Feels If You’re In Love.”

Revive Your Hair After A Summer Of Fun

Hair Care is Self Care

After a summer spent soaking up the sun and spending time outdoors, your hair may be in need of some TLC. The sun, salt and chlorine can take its toll and damage your hair. Here are some ways to show your hair some love and get a fresh start for fall.


UV rays can dry out hair, much like it can for skin. UV protecting sprays are a great way to prevent sun damage. Spray them on your hair before heading out in the sun and reapply after getting wet. If the damage is already done, use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners.

Leave in masks are also a great product to pamper your hair. Masks will deep condition your hair to give the extra boost of moisture it needs. Try them once or twice a week for best results. Some DIY masks can be just as helpful as store bought ones.

Face of a beautiful woman with summer flowers in her hair

Salt Water

Salt water can give your hair texture, but it will severely dry it out and cause damage. After a day at the beach or doing water sports, try and rinse the salt water out of your hair as soon as possible to minimize your exposure. Also, before going into the ocean, run your hair under fresh water. Our hair can only absorb so much water, so if you go into the ocean with it already wet, less salt water will be absorbed.

After washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, you may also want to try a leave-in conditioner. This will help lock in moisture when you hair is dried out by salt. You can also apply leave in conditioner before going in the ocean for extra protection. For a home remedy, try coconut oil. Heat up coconut oil and apply to hair and scalp for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water and then shampoo out.

bright colored flying hair


The same technique of rinsing your hair with fresh water before going in the ocean also applies to the pool. The goal is to get your hair to absorb as little chlorine as possible. Since chlorine is a chemical, rinsing it off with water or shampoo and conditioner as soon as possible is best.

People with lighter hair can have discoloration from chlorine buildup. Blonde hair can turn green, so specialized shampoos can help prevent buildup and keep color vibrant. Charcoal infused shampoos are a great option. Nancy Twine, the founder of the hair-care line Briogeo says, “The pores on charcoal’s surface allow for meaningful absorption of toxins and impurities, beyond what a standard shampoo can do.”

Give Your Hair A Break

After all of these elements have been taking its toll on your hair, give you hair a break from heated styling tools like curling irons, straighteners and blow dryers. After washing your hair, towel dry it and massage in your favorite product to control frizz. Let it air dry or braid it in a single braid or pigtails to get some beachy waves going. Because beachy waves are not just for summer!

Anonymous Woman With Red Hair And Blue Sky.woman On Her Back Wit

Try A Co-Wash

One of the many things I learned from Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness is that he does not like sulfates! So now neither do I! Sulfates wash away your hair’s natural oils and we want those olls! So instead of using shampoo and conditioner, try only using a co-wash.  A co-wash is a cleansing conditioner that removes debris and dirt but won’t strip your hair of its oils. You can also wash your hair less often with a co-wash. Washing one to three times a week is recommended. So go co-wash your way to co-nfidence!

For more articles on self love, check out  Learning Self-Love During Swimsuit Season

How to Make Friends As an Adult

Making friends as an adult can be a challenge, but you can do it. Here’s how.

When you are in high school, college or grad school you are surrounded by people in a similar life stage. But once you are out in the working world or living in a new city, making friends can be more challenging. But don’t fret, it can be done. Here are some great ways to meet new friends.

Work Friends

Work can be a great place to meet new friends. You are spending a lot of time together and already have the common interest of being in the same field. Try spending your lunch break with your coworkers and see who you click with. Go to work happy hours and holiday parties, even if you may be tempted to skip them. Once you find someone you think you have friendship potential with, ask them to meet up outside of work or invite them to a get together you are hosting. If your co-workers are not very social or don’t share your same interests, then no worries, you can meet people in many other ways.

I am very fortunate that I get to meet a lot of new people through work and work related events and it’s been a wonderful way to bring new friends with shared interests and goals into my life.

At A Class

Taking classes can be a natural place to make friends. It could be an academic class to further your career. It could also be exploring a passion that you have like learning a new language, writing or cooking. The other people in the class may be in the same boat as you and are looking to make new friends and widen their social circle You have this shared interest and the willingness to try new things. Suggest getting food or drinks after class to get to know each other better.

I took improv classes and met some funny, awesome friends this way. After my improv classes and shows, we would go out as a group and get food and drinks. We would go see comedy shows together and kept rehearsing together as a group after the class ended. We also started performing some of our own improv shows and had an amazing time together.

Join A Group

You may want to continue hanging out with the fun people from your class after it ends. So forming a group, such as a Spanish practice group or a writer’s group can be a great way to keep the companionship going. You could decide to meet weekly at the same time and place or rotate who hosts the event. Maybe meeting up monthly is more your speed. But it provides a social support that can be really fun and can also help you continue to explore your interests.

I took a children’s book writing class and we decided to keep in touch and form a writer’s group to critique each other’s work. It motivated me to have new work each time we met and to also hang out with the group.

Young Friends With Alcoholic Drinks At Poolside


Many of us played sports when we were younger and may miss the team aspect as adults. It a great way to exercise and a team sport can open your social circle. Many cities offer social sports or more competitive leagues for soccer, flag football, basketball, volleyball or even kickball. Or maybe join a running group to find others to train with for a race or marathon. It can also offer you someone to support and motivate you to achieve your health and exercise goals.

I did flag football with my sister, brother-in-law and some of our friends. We got to meet some fun new people both on our team and the opposing team. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday morning, get some exercise, fresh air and catch up with friends old and new.

Friends of Friends

If you are relocating to a new city or maybe just feel like you need to expand your social group, mention it to your existing friends. They may have a childhood friend or a college friend who they think you would really hit it off with. Often times they are right because they know both of their friends so well. Even though it may feel a little awkward and like a blind date, do it anyway. If you two hit it off, then you are on your way. Family members may also be able to get you in touch with their friends.

My mom introduced me to my great friend and fellow Love TV writer Kate Oczypok. My mom met Kate and told me she thought Kate and I had a lot in common and would get along well. My mom told me that Kate is also a writer, loves music and also has a dog. Kate and I went on a blind friend date to get coffee and immediately hit it off. We have since had playdates with our dogs, Moe and Jack as well. Since we are both writers, we often share job opportunities that we find with each other. We also found out we share the same birthday!

Joyful man showing video on his mobile phone with friends

Go To Parties and Get Togethers

If a friend invites you to their holiday party or birthday party, say yes. You can meet their other friends and colleagues and may find similarities with them too. Even if it can be tempting to stay home and veg, getting out and socializing is important. It may be a little overwhelming the first few minutes or so, but once you’ve been introduced to a few people you should feel more at ease. An easy ice breaker can be asking them how they know each other. This may provide a whole new friend group and support system for you. Two of my close friends regularly have get togethers at their home. I have been able to meet their other close friends and not surprisingly get along well with them.

The Awkwardness

Asking a new friend for their contact information or to meet up can feel a little scary. It can feel similar to asking someone out on a date or going on a blind date. But much like dating, you have to put yourself out there and get out of your comfort zone. Acknowledge that you are afraid of rejection and that’s natural. Then pat yourself on the back for doing it anyway. After you meet up once, the hard part is over and then you can plan your next activity together. All of these ways to make new friends can also be great ways to meet a romantic partner. Bringing new people into your life will bring in positive energy and fun opportunities.

Dance party with group people dancing

Recommended next story: Here Are 5 Things You Need to Know Before Joining a Friendship App

How Our Brains Are Designed To Look For What’s Wrong

How to turn it around in a relationship

We all want to live our best lives and have the healthiest relationships possible. But we may not know how to get there and what to do. I spoke with Barbra Russell, MA a counselor, speaker and author of Yes! I Said No! about how we can create and maintain a relationship of optimal wellness.

Creating Boundaries

We know that boundaries are important. We understand that we should have them and we know when it feels like someone has crossed them. But how do we set and maintain good boundaries? The biggest fear most people have with boundaries is coming across as rude, harsh or mean, especially when it is someone we care deeply about. We may also worry that we may hurt someone’s feelings or that they may not want to continue to have a relationship with them if we have a serious discussion about boundaries. We want to compromise, but we also need for our own needs to be met. 

Barbra Russell gives us 3 steps to follow when setting a boundary. 

“Step 1: Say what you don’t like (without attacking the others character) Step 2: Say what you want (specifically) Step 3: Set a consequence.”

This sounds pretty simple, but let’s look at exactly how to put it into practice. Barbra explains two examples. Here is an example of a woman who might set a boundary, “Step 1: We’ve been so busy, we don’t take time to show affection and that’s important to me.  

Step 2:So I’d like for you to kiss me every morning before work and we talk to each other for at least half an hour after the kids are asleep. Step 3: I’ll remind you for a few times until we make this a habit.”  

Here is an example of a boundary a man might set, according to Barbra, “Step 1: I need time to myself when I first come home from work so I can clear my mind.

Step 2: I’d like 30 minutes of quiet time before I help with dinner or with the kids. Step 3.I’ll go into my ‘man cave’ every day for 30 minutes.” 

It can feel scary or needy to ask for more affection or for time away from your significant other and kids. We may worry we will hurt their feelings or make them feel judged or criticized. But if we don’t communicate our needs, we can feel stressed or resentful and that can be toxic to a healthy relationship.  

When expressing what you don’t like, try to make it a request that your partner can easily fulfill. Try to keep emotions such as anger, frustration, etc out of the equation. Make sure what you want is something reasonable and specific. The consequence should not skew negative. It may take some time to put the new actions into place, since it can take some time to change and break a habit. So be patient and kind to your partner as this transition is happening. Also ask for your partner to be patient with you.   

relationship goals

Communication Between The Sexes

Communicating with anyone can be hard, and there are some fundamental differences in how men and women think and communicate. Understanding these differences can help us feel more seen and heard. Barbra explains it very clearly, “She ‘connects’ more memories, words and thoughts faster, and tends to talk ‘in  circles,’ bringing up one thing, then another before arriving at the final thought or solution. His brain works more efficiently, thinking in a ‘straight line,’ solving a problem by quickly giving advice or a solution.” 

Communicate directly what you want from your partner. Barbra gives the examples, “She says, ‘I just need you to listen, while I talk this through.’ He instructs, ‘Write down what you need me to do, because I’m likely to forget.”

Again, ask for what you want and communicate what you think can be helpful to your relationship. Make sure it is a request and an actionable step, such as writing something down or listening as someone processes their thoughts. Keep any judgements out if, you don’t want to judge your partner for thinking and processing things differently that you do. Use positive reinforcement to encourage each other. 

One main reward is your relationship will probably start to feel easier and you will both feel more supported. Compliment each other frequently and let them know how much you appreciate them doing what you asked for and explain how it makes you feel so much better. 

This is a process, so patience is key. Understanding these communication differences can help same sex couples and can also help you communicate in friendships as well. If you identify as gender fluid or non-binary then you may find yourself falling somewhere along this spectrum.   

How Our Brains Look For What’s Wrong

Sometimes couples that have been together for a while start to focus more on the negative aspects of their relationship and less on the positive ones. They may lose sight of what brought them together initially. 

This can become even more challenging as couples build a life together, raise children together, focus on extended family and career obligations. Barbra states, “Our brains are designed to look for what’s wrong – a survival mechanism to keep us alive – but in a relationship, the ratio often becomes 90:10, with the 90% of what’s right, what you like about the other person is taken for granted and we focus on the 10% — what you don’t like, what’s irritating, etc.” This can start a negative pattern or downward spiral. Barbra explains, “What you focus on gets bigger.  Therefore, the more you focus on what’s wrong, the bigger problem that becomes.” We have all experienced this in other aspects of our lives as well, where we focus on the negative and the problem spirals. We can begin to feel discouraged or even hopeless that our situation can change.

Barbra offers some helpful solutions, “Compliment more than you complain.” If you find yourself complaining alot, take a step back and try to turn the situation around. Try to compliment your partner on what they are doing well and make them feel appreciated for all of their positive qualities. 

Her second tip is, “Do the things you used to do that made them fall in love.” Maybe you used to go on dates to your favorite restaurant in the beginning but now you don’t anymore because you’d have to get a sitter. Or maybe you used to cook together, but with work schedules you don’t have the time. Try to make an effort to do these things together to make you feel more connected and to just have more fun together. 

Lastly, Barbra states,”Provide safety by listening before you talk.” Let your partner get their full ideas out there before responding. Try not to interrupt. It can be easy to get defensive or feel misunderstood. Even if you don’t agree with their comment, try to really see their point of view and why they may feel this way. You want to get to a resolution and both be understood, not be right or wrong or assign blame. 

relationship goals

Trying It Out

Personally I used to be more hesitant to bring up these conversations for fear of hurting the other person’s feelings or worrying how they would react. I also felt like I didn’t know how to communicate what I wanted to say in the most productive way.  But then I would feel as though the issues would remain and that was stressful in it’s own way. Learning how to communicate in a positive and healthy way has made me feel like my relationships are stronger. 

Try using these skills in your relationships and see if you feel more confident and positive about your relationship and yourself. Being a great communicator can help you not only in your romantic relationships, but friendships, family and work relationships. Setting boundaries and having a positive mindset can make you feel like the best version of yourself.