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Sexually Dissatisfied? Here is Why



They are portals for a kind of wisdom that is all but lost in this modern world. If your sexuality is turned down or turned off, spend time within your psyche and your emotional life to find out what is scaring you. My experience in working with women has taught me that fear is the largest factor; fear of opening into an intimate place (or one that is supposed to be) and feeling used, not seen, not felt by your partner, and fear of not wanting to engage in the sexual violence that has become part of mainstream consensual sex.

The bottom line is that many women do not feel safe with their current or potential sexual partners. They do not feel these men are trustable, and that is an important feeling for you to respect. Don’t talk yourself out of not having sex by telling yourself (or listening to someone else tell you) that you’re sexually dysfunctional.


Your sexuality is a frequency and it is powerful. A woman who is aligned with the depth and breadth of what she carries between her legs and the energy inside her is aligned with her TRUE sexuality. A woman aligned with her true sexuality will be able to say no from a healthy place, and yes from a knowing that when she chooses a man, he will be capable of riding that frequency with her.

There’s a lot of fear for men as well around true intimacy. Fucking isn’t intimacy. But is. For those of you unfamiliar with my redefinition of that word, it stands for f.ree u.nrestrained c.onnection to k.undalini. Kundalini is the spiritual energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine like a snake and can be awakened through yoga and meditation, and any meditative spiritual practice in general,  but also through sexual energy.

There are energy channels all throughout our bodies. There are meridians and chakras which are wheels of energy found in different places in our physiology. The chakras have actually been scientifically measured as energy centers, for those of you who think this is new age BS.