Love TV

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Sexually Dissatisfied? Here is Why

You see the words “women’s sexual dysfunction” all over the place these days. Women are being led to believe we are broken in our sexuality as we have been led to believe we are broken in our bodies because we get periods, have babies and go through menopause.

The more we are bombarded with these negative concepts via media messages, personal exchanges, and personal beliefs, the more “depressed” we become. But that depression is your soul calling you to awaken and take ownership of your powerful sexuality as you reject the mainstream models.

We are in a hook up/porn culture, where sex is just something you do, for stress relief, recreation, or procreation, but there’s a whole other universe, literally, when two people who are REALLY connected merge their flesh. Like all of what I share/teach/speak and write about, I live these truths, and my sexuality has been a FORCE in my life that has taught me so much, and I know that if I had been listening to the mainstream spewing of crap, I wouldn’t have had the powerful experiences I’ve always had.

Think about what sex is and why we are so compelled to think about it constantly (and yes, men, we do think about it that much!) And think about the part of sex that everyone is obsessed with: orgasm. An orgasm is like the transporter in Star Trek. It’s a “beam me up Scotty” experience when the energies between two people are in sync.

That in sync quality has to do with the energy systems in our bodies and how they come together when our genitals come together. Sexuality is meant to be a bridge to higher levels of consciousness. Yes, I do believe and have experienced this. It is a way to know whatever God you believe in.

I personally believe that the lack of this experience is why we have the obsession with “lots of sex.” It’s quality, not quantity. The difference between junk food and the kind that nourishes your body. The junk food tastes good but doesn’t really nourish, and yet it becomes addictive so you keep going for it, but it will never supply what you long for and need.

And women are feeling this in their souls now, as their bodies say no to what’s on the menu now.