True Love Lessons: Appreciation
I believe it has the ability to transform and heal ANYTHING!
Appreciation in a partnership is something that can revolutionized your relationship.
Do you ever find yourself dwelling on the things you feel your partner did wrong or maybe didn’t do at all? The next time one of those thoughts arises immediately turn your focus to something you appreciate about your partner. The more you do this, the more all you will see are the things you appreciate.
This little exercise isn’t meant to replace dialogue or communication in any way. It’s only meant to get your mind in the mode of appreciating. Which, like I mentioned earlier can TRANSFORM AND HEAL ANYTHING!
You can incorporate appreciation into every aspect of your life. Appreciate your body and all the incredible workings it contains.
..the safe roof over your head… the food you put on your table or your clean running water…
…the shoes on your feet…
I promise you, once you get started on this list, it will be pages, and pages long.
Expanding our appreciation causes everything around us to glow with LOVE!
Tune in next time to the ‘True Love Lessons and Confessions with Sierra’.