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How Did You Pull That?! What I Learned from Dating a Male Model and You Can Too.

Watch how he articulates himself.

“Hey bb wut u up to?” is definitely getting that block. It might sound petty, but I do believe that better grammar and spelling correlates with a smarter, better-rounded individual. Also beyond how he actually types, look at what he says. I wouldn’t agree to a date from a man who’d write “Wanna chill tomorrow?” but I would agree to see a guy that put “I’d love to take you out soon.”

What does he update about?

Statuses are a great way to gauge what is running through people’s crazy craniums. See what he is passionate about. If he is always lamenting about “bitches and hoes” or “smoking weed with the homies” that is someone you don’t want to associate with, unless you are into bitches and hoes and smoking weed with the homies as well.

Who are his friends, or what sites does he follow?

There’s a popular Spanish saying that translates to “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” You have to take a good look at his inner circle and see what they are all about. His friends are an extension of him. Make sure you find out what some pages he follows are about as well. It will help a lot to see where he is at mentally.

How does he describe himself?

This can be a bit tricky. Some people do not feel comfortable divulging certain aspects of their life on the world wide web. Others do so without hesitation. You have to scrutinize what he does reveal. I think the most important things to try to learn about him immediately are his culture (because let’s face it, it influences so much of our tastes and character), his education level, and his hobbies. I think once you have a good grasp of these three main things, you can make an educated guess as to whether this is a person you can stand having in your life.

There will always be exceptions, but they aren’t common. People can be very transparent if you know what to look for. I hope this little guide helps you navigate the treacherous waters of online dating. Date smart, not dumb!