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Clearing Sexual Numbness

Finally, Agni Sara in Horse Stance will wake up your belly, orgasm muscles and legs- – how great is that?! First, come into Horse Stance. Stand with your legs three feet apart and bend the knees to a right angle, aligning knees over heels with the feet turned out slightly. Traction out the back by taking the heel of the hands to the crease of hip and thigh, then straightening the arms. Now, add Agni Sara. (If you have high blood pressure, only hold the breath for a couple of pumps per round. If you are pregnant, wait until after delivery to do this.)

Inhale through the nose, then exhale forcefully through the mouth. Empty of breath, pull your belly back toward the spine and up, simultaneously lifting and flaring the ribs. When pulling the belly back, contract the genitals, perineum and anus. Still empty of breath, relax the belly before pulling in and up again. Relax belly, feeling for relaxing genitals, perineum and anus. Repeat this pumping action until you need to inhale, then relax the belly and take a deep breath. Do this two to three times, still in Horse Stance. Make sure you are feeling the action you’re doing. Don’t disconnect from it. Each time, connect the wisdom you’re feeling to your genitals, perineum and anus, building a bridge of connection. This will create a more intelligent connection between abs and orgasm muscles, which enhances sexual responsiveness and sensitivity so your orgasms have a much bigger ripple effect through your body.

Healing and exploring your sexuality through Forrest Yoga has powerful and wonderful repercussions. Choose to clear the numbness out. Learn to feel and bring that beautiful deep breath and responsiveness into intimacy with a partner. Your orgasms will change, your whole body will respond differently; your brain, your heart and Spirit will open up — why wouldn’t you want that? Are you ready for that much sweetness?

Curated by Erbe
Original Article