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6 Empowered Feminine Ways to Attract a Great Mate

Ask Questions

An easy way to connect with someone is by asking questions. Basically, try to talk about yourself less. We all have been out with someone who spends the whole time telling you every detail about their lives without so much as asking how you are.

and then…

“Friend”: “It was so great catching up with you!”

Me? Really? I could have replaced myself with a brick and I doubt you would have noticed. Monitor how much you use the word “I.” If you notice you are doing it a lot, it probably means you are a horrible person. No really, you’re just not listening. Listening is a key ingredient in making relationships last so this is something you want to tackle early on.

Stop Complaining

Whether you had the worst day at work, or you got a parking ticket, keep that shit to yourself. No one likes a complainer. Complainers often mistake their regurgitation of their daily struggles as conversation.  Talking about a leak in your apartment IS NOT CONVERSATION. Read something, watch the news, or just get a better personality. Nobody is going to listen to you whine about something irrelevant to them and think “Yep, this is the one.”

Do Your Nails

Ok I know, WTF. I swear I didn’t even know this was a thing but a lot of guys seem to care about nails. I’m not saying you can’t find someone if you don’t do your nails, I’m just saying it’s a CHEAP, EASY, bonus. I didn’t get manicures for almost my whole life and then I started doing them and 60% of the compliments I get are from men (It should be noted that I do live in Los Angeles, the global capital of metrosexuality, and homosexuality – basically all sexualities). But I am convinced, even if they don’t say anything; they still notice that you are “groomed.” Feminists please don’t vomit.