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10 Signs He’s a Keeper

6. He packs an overnight bag. When he stays over, he’s not running out the door first thing in the morning. He wants to stay for pancakes. Although, to be fair, this could just mean he’s serious about pancakes, not you.

7. His friends Facebook you. No one in their right might would send a friend request to someone they know isn’t sticking around. Granted, not everyone is in their right mind, but if you get a torrent of new Facebook friends, it’s because they can tell he’s serious about you.

8. He comes over when you’re sick. Cuddling with a sweaty ball of oozing mucus isn’t fun for anyone. If he’s making you soup and hanging out with you on your couch while you start building a collection of used tissues around you, it’s not because this is some casual fling.
Sexy couple and old car

9. He’s willing to take things slow. He doesn’t disappear on you if you don’t sleep with him after the first three dates. The two of you even have a conversation about “where things are going.”

10. He doesn’t actively avoid meeting your friends (or even your family). If he were planning on making a clean break after some casual dating, he wouldn’t bother trying to make a good impression on your friends. If he’s not having something come up every time you want him to meet you at a group event, it means he’s not looking to run away at the first sign of things getting serious.

Curated by Erbe
Original Article