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Dressing Too Sexy…What’s Underneath It?

If they’re horny, why don’t women appreciate your flirting with them?

I dunno — maybe because you’re unattractive? I always wonder why this option never occurs to men.

If a woman was rejected by a dude, her first thought would be “I’m not hot enough” but when a man is rejected by a woman, often his first thought seems to be “bitch should have taken it.”

Pickup artists get a lot of flack, but there’s one thing I appreciate about them: they study what turns women on, then try to embody it. If we could take some of the misogyny out of the whole thing I’m convinced the art of pickup could actually be good for society. In fact, I think part of the reason that there is so much misogyny in the community is that it is so socially unacceptable for a man to make a conscious effort to be attractive to women that many pickup artists have to maintain high levels of sexism to keep their masculinity preserved.

While sexy clothing may be one of the few socially available options for straight women to express their sexuality, it is an option often denied to straight men. Straight mythology demands that the woman be the object, and the man be the aggressor. And, similarly to how a straight women expressing an overt sexual agency opens herself up to violence, a straight man who tries too hard to be hot opens himself up to ridicule. Many pickup artists are derided for their over the top fashion choices, that they have carefully selected to turn women on.

Which is a shame.

Maybe all those dudes asking “why do women dress sexy if they don’t want attention?” should be putting a little more time into their own image. Straight men should make a feminist statement by figuring out how to be hotter to women while also not becoming assholes.

Then they should get on Tinder in SF because, seriously, that shit is bleak right now.

Curated by Erbe
Original Article