Dating Differences in Foreign Lands Like Korea and Iran

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Dating Differences in Foreign Lands Like Korea and Iran


Dating Difference: The “no worries” mindset that applies to many things in the Land Down Under has extended to dating. There’s less focus on “defining” your relationship status. For anyone who hates courtship via text, stay out of Oz — nearly half of Aussie men say it’s OK to ask a woman out this way, according to a survey in the Courier Mail.

“Australian men are more laid back when it comes to dating,” says Kate, an American living in Sydney. “They don’t seem to pressure women into decisions or situations like American men do.”

Biggest Shocker: Despite the laid-back approach, some Aussie men think you shouldn’t leave the house without a full face of makeup. It’s pretty surprising given the amount of fresh-faced surfer girls strutting around Australia’s coastal cities and towns.

“I’ve found that dating Australian boys, or Sydney men in particular, they are used to more high-maintenance girls,” says Caroline E., a Georgia native who spent 10 months living and dating in Sydney. “They’re used to their ladies getting dolled up just to go to the grocery store and I’m just not like that.”

What do you think of these dating customs – keen to try or happy to be dating in the US of A?

Curated by Erbe
Original Article