Dating Differences in Foreign Lands Like Korea and Iran

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Dating Differences in Foreign Lands Like Korea and Iran


iran flagDating Difference: The Islamic country is at a crossroads when it comes to dating customs. Women still cover their faces and the genders cannot mix freely in public. Yet a form of online dating has emerged in the country, as reported in a February 2009 Al Jazeera article, and a concept of temporary marriage has taken hold as a stand-in for relationships. Nearly 60 percent of the population here is younger than 30, and the new mindset is that it’s smart to sample the goods before buying.

Biggest Shocker: Some may appreciate the cut-and-dry nature of online dating in Iran. The agency is operated by clerics and there’s not much time to “see where things go.” Those who use the service get three meetings, two of which are supervised. If the couples mesh, they get a third meeting, after which they have one of two choices: marry or never meet again.


Dating Difference: The French seem to have perfected the art of “non-dating” dating. You meet people and date in groups, not one-on-one.

“As a general rule, dating in France barely exists,” says Lindsey T., an American who lives in Paris and is married to a Frenchman. “From the moment you express interest in one another and kiss, it can be assumed you’re in a relationship.”

Girls who complain about the fade-away will be happy to know that it doesn’t happen much in France. Men and women will clearly state their interest and disinterest. Men also rarely play hard to get.

“I think if you don’t want to be boyfriend-girlfriend and the French guy is into you, the normal hints — putting off plans, vague texts — might not get the message across,” says Leonora E., who lived and dated in Paris for a year.

Biggest Shocker: Even though this is the land of fast hook-ups and romance, many French still frown upon women pursing men, as highlighted in the article “French Women Don’t Date” on France Today. This means even if you’re just trying to be friendly, a Frenchman might take it as an invitation to get in your pants.