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Soul Sex: Transcending Lovemaking

Connecting on a deeper level than physical sexuality can unlock a deep well of passion and intense closeness. Have you transcended your lovemaking to Soul Sex?

Anyone can make love. Creating a love-making experience that takes you beyond orgasm is soul sex.

Ahhh! The art of love-making. Part I.

In today’s busy world where we fast forward through life often missing the best parts. We need to set aside dedicated time for quality sex if we want our relationship to survive. Soul Sex does not take place in 15 minutes. It requires patience, planning and will give you countless hours of exquisite pleasure.

In a series of 7 articles we will slowly go through the process of how to have the deep mind-body-soul connection that leads to great sex.

The ultimate love-making experience that goes beyond sex is where the expression, “I saw God!” comes from. This is the most amazing bliss that two people can have together. It is not an event that you can rush through to “get to the good stuff.” Orgasm is not the focus. Pleasure is. Building sexual tension slowly for a peak experience. You enjoy each moment as it comes. No pun intended.

Always begin with a squeaky clean body.  I guarantee you that the fresher you are from the shower, the more varied the activities that will take place.

Set The Mood

Music can set the mood for anything, including sex. From Barry White to Marvin Gaye, there is a wide variety to choose from. Make sure you have lots of music lined up, as one song will not do, unless it’s Ravel’s Bolero. A link is provided here:


Before you go any further, make sure you have your cell phones, and television turned off. Any interruption can jar you back to reality. You won’t want to be interrupted.

Blending Your Energies

Before the first touch, sit in front of each other, facing each other. Take a few moments to sit in silence and just breathe in the other. Without touching, close your eyes and enjoy your combined energy. This time will help you both get centered and calm from your day. Let each exhalation release all the negativity you have accumulated from the outside world.

Deep Eye Gazing

It begins with a look. A deep meaningful look where you gaze into your partners soul. You are not thinking about what to pick up at the grocery store, or texting while you are intermittently gazing into your partners eyes. With a soft focus on nothing else but each other. Keep your bodies from touching. Focus only on their eyes. You may laugh, or you may cry – be open to either. You have to able to allow your partner to see inside you. Be transparent. Do not try to hide or put up barriers to the other, you will miss the really deep intimacy you are creating.


Kissing itself is an art. Some people can have an orgasm just by kissing. If you want your relationship to be more passionate or last, kiss more often. The hormone oxytocin is released as well as endorphins which make you feel good.

Think of velvet. Soft, gentle and delicate. Subtlety is an art. Instead of using your tongue and full-on lips, with lots of pressure, touch noses first, hesitate to join with your lips. Let the energy between you grow and build slowly. For more about Philemotology, the science of kissing follow the link.

Learn how to kiss in different ways. A kiss should not always be wet or with your tongue. Vary your styles and pressure. Your kiss is an indication of the kind of lover you are. It is the prelude of what is to come. You don’t always want to kiss in the same way.  Sometimes being in touch with your feminine and masculine sides can have tremendous benefits. Kissing and sex should be a delight of all the senses. Not just touch. There is a delicate balance between barely enough, to keep your partner begging for more and too much tongue, wetness or too forceful. You want to begin slowly. A delicate tug on your partner’s lower lip, almost a bite, without the pain. Pull back and look at your partner. Are their eyes dilated? Are they getting aroused? Try kissing in different places, like the palm of your partner’s hand.

This event is not for you to prove something, but to delight. Move forward again this time more slowly so that you can smell each other’s skin.

Now that you have kissed lightly, brushing each other’s lips, allow yourself to begin closing in and embracing fully, at the same time kissing deeply allowing your tongue to enter your partner’s mouth. Allow your passion to rise, as it does your partner’s will also.

Curated by Erbe
Original Article