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Eros Energy

In order to feel our Eros energy more freely we need to understand that it is innocent, an affirmation of our aliveness not something that should bring shame or fear.  Try this experiment at home to see if you can access your Eros energy.

Lie or sit quietly and comfortably in a quiet space.  It helps if your spine is straight but relaxed.  In order for sexual energy to flow through your body it is just important that you are relaxed and feel safe and calm.

Begin by bringing your awareness to your breath.  Notice the air as it comes into your nostrils on the inhalation.  Notice the air as it leaves your body as you exhale.  Become aware of the rise of your belly and chest as you breath in.  Bring your awareness to the fall on the front of your body as you exhale.  There is no need to make the breath do anything in particular, simply bring your awareness to it.  Do just this for several minutes until you begin to feel yourself fall deeper into the experience of your body.

As you begin to relax and soften, feeling your body more acutely, bring your awareness down into your pelvis.  This does not have to be in your genitals.  Simply bring it to begin with into the larger area of your pelvis, your hips, your bottom, your anus and your genitals.  Notice how you feel in that part of your body. Do not seek to make anything happen but simply bring your awareness to it.  As you begin to relax, focus your awareness on your sacrum, that is the base of your spine, above your tailbone, the back of the girdle of the bones of the pelvis.  Note that this is not directly near your genitals and yet it is where we can first feel our sexual energy.

Imagine that you can breathe into your sacrum. In your imagination feel a tiny movement of the bones as you breathe into them.  Feel the subtlest of vibrations or movements of energy in that part of your body.  You may begin to notice warm, tingling sensations in your pelvis.  Allow them to grow and spread through your pelvis.

If at first you do not feel it – imagine that you do.  Fake it ‘til you make it!