Shower Sex Positions

Let’s face it. Shower sex is as easy as fitting a king sized bed in a New York City apartment. Unless your shower is the size of a walk in closet, your options are limited. 

Here are four positions that can make shower sex more fun.

1. Manos en la Pared (Hands on the Wall)

Stand up straight with your hands against the wall and legs spread slightly. Your man will enter you from behind. Tip: Be sure to aim your shower head as downward as possible so the water isn’t hitting you guys directly in the face. That can be distracting and things will get really wet — not in a good way.

2. Afeitado? (Shaving?)

Know how you lift your leg up and set it at the edge of the tub to shave? That’s an awesome sex position (tried and true, just saying)! Just make sure you have something to grip on. You don’t want to fall out and get a head injury or something.

3. La Silla (The Seat)

This one always works and you don’t risk busting your ass in a slippery bath tub. Have him sit down with his legs stretched out or slightly bent at the knee if he’s tall. Straddle him and go to town. The water hitting your back lightly will feel extra good.

4. Hacia Arriba (Straight Up)

Stand up straight with your back against the wall, lift one leg up and wrap it around his lower back. Tip: It will be easier for him to have full control if he presses his hands against the wall you’re leaning on.

Curated by Erbe
Original Article