20 First Kisses (You’ll Feel The Emotions)

It’s almost magical how in this moment, we can think of nothing else—we become so intensely focused on our partner (and ourselves). Our senses are on high alert for what’s to come: how it will feel, taste, smell…

Some people worry, “How’s my hair?”, “I’ll look like a fool afterwards wearing her shade of lipstick!”, and “Do I need a mint???”.

The first kiss. Sometimes we just close our eyes, hold our breath and dive in deep. Sometimes we wonder about it’s meaning and where it will lead. Will it be good, be the last, the first step in a journey of everlasting love, a good time tonight, or nothing at all? Either way we’re committed. We’re here, and we’re going for it. And the funny thing is that no matter what comes of it, we’re likely to remember it – sometimes even every last glorious or grueling detail about it!

If you’re dating you may be experiencing a cycle of first kisses…pay attention, a first kiss can be a great litmus test for whether you have the spark together or not.

If you are in a relationship, you may be wondering how to activate the magic and excitement of the first kiss you shared with your partner. Look at each other, like the first time you wanted to kiss each other. Draw on your memory to remember how it felt. Use your imagination! Recreate the first time all over again – kiss!