Season 7: Mystery School Techniques
Let your wild side out! Cultivate these lovemaking skills to become a superior lover and to share them with someone you care about. These exotic sexual positions can spice up any bedroom. This is advanced folks! You can also discover the ancient mystery school techniques of how to circulate your sexual energy to enhance your sexual experiences.

Season 7 Introduction
First of all, you don’t do this on a one-night stand! You cultivate these skills to become a superior lover and to share them with someone you truly care about. Discover these revolutionary techniques of legendary and modern bedroom aficionados.

Wild Natural Lovemaking Positions
Let your wild side out! These exotic sexual positions can spice up any bedroom. Master one, then next time try another. Notice how your pleasure points get stimulated uniquely with each new position you enjoy.

Making Love with Sexual Energy Circulation
This is advanced folks! Open up the channels that flow up the back and down the front of your body to form an orbit. This open channel will allow you to circulate your sexual energy and enhance the sexual experience you and your partner share. Always bring the energy down after practice to prevent overheating and energy getting stuck.

Creating the Sexual Elixir
Honey like pleasure sensations are produced when you create the sexual elixir. By following this technique you will learn micro-sexual movements to create your own elixir which is the foundation for multi-orgasmic lovemaking.

Partaking of the Sexual Elixir
Now it is time for you and your partner to sip and taste this honey like elixir together while making love. In Partaking the Sexual Elixir, use your breath with the micro-sexual movements from Creating the Sexual Elixir to reach new heights in your sexual experience.

Partaking Ecstasy
Just what it sounds like! Unspeakable Connection, Oneness, Pleasure, Unified Orgasmic Experience. You will want to master the Techniques of Making Love With Energy Circulation, Creating the Sexual Elixir, and Partaking of the Sexual Elixir before Attempting this Technique.

Reach Multi-Orgasmic Lovemaking
Yes, you can have more than one, even if you are a man! This powerful sexual technique is both a prized ancient secret and legendary to modern sexual aficionados. Reach Multi-Orgasmic Lovemaking technique allows you to increase, expand and control your capacity to experience orgasm and full body sexual orgasmic pleasure. Spend significant time learning and practicing Making Love with Energy Circulation, Creating the Sexual Elixir, Partaking of the Sexual Elixir and Partaking of Ecstasy prior to attempting this technique. This technique is advanced.

Sacred Love-Making
Leave behind the mundane, or disempowered sexual experiences. This ultimate lovemaking experience for you is mystical. Use Sacred Love-Making to truly bond with your partner in mind, body, heart and spirit. Enjoy both grounded and suspended sexual ecstasy.

Integrate Sacred Love
Use this technique to blend, merge, and deepen your relationship after intimate sex and/or mystery school sex.